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Published April 25, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.4 INCULTUM Data Management Plan final version

  • 1. Eachtra Archaeological Projects


INCULTUM project participated in the Open Research Data Pilot (ORDP) to improve and maximise access and re-use of research data generated by the project and has taken into account the need to balance openness and protection of project’s results, scientific data, commercialisation and IPR, privacy concerns and security, as well as data management and preservation questions. The INCULTUM consortium strongly support Open Science and in the benefits that the European innovation ecosystem and economy can draw from allowing the reusing of data at a larger scale. Despite this, while carrying out pilot activities, individual partners have managed personal information and worked with local groups, collecting personal data, which rise privacy and ethical issues. In addition to that, some of the results are potentially exploitable to the benefit of the pilots, contributing to the outreach and impact of the project activities. Each case has been evaluated individually and has contributed to defining the INCULTUM project’s data management policy. The purpose of this Data Management Plan (DMP) is to illustrate this data management policy and describe the results obtained in terms of datasets. The principles stated in the first version of this DMP, published on 29/11/2021, guided data management and protection during the lifetime of the project, to be compliant with EU principles and standards, and with relevant national data protection laws and institutional data management policies, and to support the achievement of project’s objectives. The DMP has been so far a living document, which has evolved and has been regularly reviewed and updated during the lifespan of the project, particularly whenever significant milestones have been reached. This first version of the DMP included an overview of the datasets to be produced or collected by the project and the specific conditions that were foreseen for them. Most of what was planned, in terms of data collection, has been achieved. As foreseeable, some mismatch also occurred, and the project implementation demonstrated in some cases that a different approach in data collection was better suited to achieve pilots and general objectives. In several cases, that was the result of a positive contamination among pilots' solutions, achieved with regular cross-cutting onsite and online meetings among pilots. An important decision, taken at the project level during a discussion carried out in an internal workshop on Open Access and Open Data, has been to centralise the publication of datasets, publications and other outputs in a dedicated Zenodo community (, instead of relying on separate repositories, under the responsibility of each partner.


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INCULTUM – Visiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries 101004552
European Commission