Published March 6, 2024 | Version V1.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.1 Targeted landscape analysis report


FAIR-IMPACT aims to support the implementation phase of the European Open Science Cloud by helping Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), repositories, data and metadata service providers (including persistent identifier services and semantic services) and national level initiatives to adopt FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services. To this end, FAIR-IMPACT is conducting a targeted landscape analysis to identify viable tools, methods and solutions that have been produced by the recent H2020 INFRAEOSC FAIR-related projects and that are currently available to support FAIR Implementation in a practical sense. The resulting FAIR Implementation Framework (FIF) catalogue of resources will be made accessible via the FAIR-IMPACT website to enable others to find, assess and adopt them. 

The FAIR implementation framework will be instrumental for delivery of in-kind support to RPOs, repositories and data service providers, and national level initiatives, but the framework will also be openly available to support adoption by a wider range of stakeholders across Europe and globally. The framework will be updated periodically to ensure that emerging approaches, tools and resources such as those resulting from ongoing related projects and initiatives are included.

This report outlines the approach adopted for the landscape analysis, a summary of the projects and initiatives reviewed, and next steps in developing the FAIR Implementation Framework.



D2.1_Targeted landscape analysis report_20230131_v1.0.pdf

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European Commission
FAIR-IMPACT – Expanding FAIR Solutions across EOSC 101057344