Published January 31, 2024 | Version 2
Project deliverable Open

D8.1. Communication and Dissemination Strategy and Plan

  • 1. CNR ISPC


Data curator:

  • 1. CNR ISPC


PERCEIVE aims at creating a new way to preserve, perceive, curate, exhibit, understand and access colored Cultural Heritage collections and Digital Artworks. Therefore, promoting their re-appropriation. These collections are a priority because of their high fragility -requiring shared methods to preserve and exhibit them; the complexity of their study; the significance of their proper communication to future generations. PERCEIVE will support the shaping of a European common identity around the concepts of “care” and “diversity” and strengthen the digital market for the creative industries.
This Deliverable D8.1.b “Communication and Dissemination Strategy and Plan” is the updated version of D8.1.a, and it is outlining the overall project dissemination and communication strategy and associated actions, with the aim to define how and when dissemination will be achieved. The goal of the document is to ensure a well-balanced communication towards the target audiences, the media and the public to achieve Perceive project objectives.
Dissemination and communication are cross-cutting activities; therefore, the work is carried out in close cooperation with all the project WPs, to receive feedback and contents to be elaborated and used to disseminate and communicate the project externally and publicly. Each project partner has a task and/or efforts to be actively involved in disseminating and communicating the project results using the provided tools and following the defined strategies.
The Communication Strategy and Plan starts with general information about the communication objectives and strategy as well as internal and external communication. The Perceive strategy covers the key audiences, which are European Citizens/Society, the end users (Professionals and Educators), the scientific community and the financial actors.
The central source for information is the Perceive website ( for the general public and the SharePoint Intranet for consortium members. Communication tools include also social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter YouTube), brochures, presentations, lectures of students and academics, a promo video of the project, webinars, websites and social media of project partners. The content will be presented in telegram channel Perceive, publications, press-releases and external and self-organised events. The deliverable also gives advice to partners on how to use the main social media channels. Finally, the document also presents an overview of events in which the project members will be represented. Project members have identified a clear set of key performance indicators to evaluate the performance of the communication activities.


PERCEIVE D8.1b-Communication and Dissemination strategy and plan_v2.0.pdf

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PERCEIVE – Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Colored collEctions through AI and Virtual Experiences 101061157
European Commission