Compiling to ZKVMs
With the advent of folding schemes, generalised arithmetisations such as CCS and research on the application of towers of binary fields to SNARKs many of the existing assumptions on SNARKs have been put into question, and the design space of ZKVMs has opened.
We explore the concept of a ZKVM that serves as an efficient alternative to the existing naive circuit-building and proving approach to high-level languages.
While there are different types of ZKVMs, we focus on the ones based on Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC). IVC allows us to prove incrementally small steps and accumulate its proofs.
In particular, we focus on the current research on Non-uniform IVC, and its implications on designing ZKVMs, or more specifically, on designing ZKVM compilers, where the instruction set (IS) is determined at compile time.
We propose different compilation pipelines that achieve function privacy, a key feature in the Anoma architecture.
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