Published October 31, 2023 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

PathOS - D1.1 Open Science Intervention Logic

  • 1. TGB


This deliverable aims to provide the methodological framework for the impact pathways. It starts from the Theory of Change and uses the RI-PATHS approach as a baseline model. We explain Impact Pathways and align on terminology.

We address challenges in describing these pathways, especially on the criticisms that pathway visualisations oversimplify and that pathways hardly address causal relations. For this we follow a stepwise but systematic approach:

  1. As a starting point, we will identify individual intervention pathways based on the eight European Union's Open Science policy priorities. This is the traditional approach for describing impact pathways.
  2. Next, we will aggregate and zoom out to a higher level, by clustering the outcomes and impacts from step 1 covering academic, economic, and societal impact.
  3. Zooming in for narrative overviews and causal relations. This will give room for providing details on how the interventions have worked (or can work).

As the project's focus is on empirical evidence, we will address multiple lines during the project: systematic literature scoping, implementing indicators, but also case studies (both thematic and national) and cost-benefit analysis.

This deliverable will be updated as we will have regular feedback loops from these activities. First experiences indicate that we envisage multiple smaller feedback loops rather than one big loop as was originally planned.

Version 2 of the Open Science Intervention Logic deliverable was published on October 31st.

* This project deliverable is currently pending approval by the EC.


PathOS - D1.1 Open Science Intervention Logic - v2.pdf

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European Commission
PathOS – Open Science Impact Pathways 101058728