Published June 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

Status Report on CRPs


Task 9.3 foresees the study of a novel charge readout scheme for very large time projection chambers, called Vertical Drift. This technology avoids using planes of wires to collect the signals of the electrons from charged particle ionization, at the end of their drift path. This kind of development program, included in task 9.3, is unprecedented and totally innovative in the domain of liquid argon (LAr) Time Projection Chambers (TPC). In Vertical Drift planes of wires are replaced by stacks of perforated printed circuit boards integrated in Charge Readout Planes (CRP) of 3x3.3 m2 placed to cover the surface at the top of the detector. This active surface receives the electrons drifting thanks to a uniform electric field aligned along the vertical axis. The cryogenic ASIC amplifiers used to read the signals are integrated in this layout in front-end cards hosted in cryostat penetrations called "signal feedthrough chimneys" which make them accessible from outside during detector operation. The digitization electronics on the "warm" side is cabled to warm flanges closing the top part of the chimneys. This technology, which is foreseen to equip the second DUNE Far Detector module, underwent extensive large-scale tests at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2021-2022. These tests successfully demonstrated its validity. This report describes the work and developments performed to achieve the milestone devoted to the CRPs.



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