Published December 7, 2023 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

M4.1 Semantic artefact governance models: example of community practices


This report is a synthesis of the FAIR-IMPACT Semantic Artefact Governance Workshop run on 28th September 2023, which presented a review of multiple approaches to community- driven governance of semantic artefacts. This work is developed by Task 4.1 (T4.1) on "Semantic artefact disciplinary governance", which is part of the Work Package 4 about "Metadata and ontologies" in the FAIR-IMPACT project. FAIR-IMPACT supports the implementation of FAIR-enabling (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) practices, tools and services across scientific communities within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ecosystem.

This report includes an introduction of general aspects of quality-verified digital resources and the FAIR principles, the FAIR-IMPACT's T4.1 targeted goals, the workshop methodology applied, the represented use cases and the synthesis of existing semantic artefact governance practices encountered by the communities presented.

