Published November 30, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

CoUDlabs_WP8_T812_EAWAG_001. Sediment depth measurements for surrogate modeling of sediment build-up in gully pots using temperature data

  • 1. ROR icon Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
  • 2. ROR icon Universidade da Coruña


This dataset contains the results of the experimental campaign and how data were collected on the the Co-UDlabs Work Package 8 (Joint Research Activity 3): Improving resilience and sustainability in urban drainage solutions; Task 8.1: Development of consensus on measurement of hydraulic and water quality performance of urban drainage technologies; Subtask 8.1.2: Development of scalable measurement protocols to assess the pollutant retention and release potential of urban drainage structures

Co-UDlabs is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101008626.

This database was developed as part of the Master Thesis in Environmental Engineering at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Fuchs, L. (2023). Automated surrogate model to estimate sediment accumulation from temperatures in urban drainage systems. MSc Thesis, ETH Zurich. Accessed on 10th of October of 2023.

Abstract (English)

This study explores an approach to estimate sediment depths in gully pots using temperature measurements. With over 45'000 gully pots in the municipality Zurich requiring periodic cleaning, the need for effective maintenance strategies is evident. Sediments in gully pots originate from various sources, can increase the flood risk due to clogging or carry adsorbed pollutants into the environment. The MONitoring Temperature in SEdiments (MONTSE) system was adjusted and installed in two gully pots, one at eawag in Dübendorf and one in Rüschlikon. The water inside a gully pot changes its temperature quickly when influenced by external factors, such as rainfall. The sensors inside the sediment measure a slower change in temperature due the isolation of the sediment. A surrogate model was developed to convert the difference between the temperatures in the water and sediment into an estimation of the sediment depth. This study demonstrates the successful implementation of the MONTSE setup in Swiss gully pots, allowing for sediment depth estimation with accuracy comparable to manual reference measurements. Two estimations of the sediment depth are possible: First based on the positioning of the sensors and the second from the surrogate model. Sensors positioned deeper than 10 cm below the sediment surface yield less accurate results, suggesting that the distance between sensors should not exceed this limit. The study highlights the pivotal role of standing water volume inside the gully pots, as a large volume requires a large rainfall volume to significantly change the temperature and allow for accurate estimations. To enhance the sensor setup, wireless data transfer is essential to reduce the time spent on collecting data. 

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Co-UDlabs – Building Collaborative Urban Drainage research labs communities 101008626
European Commission
