Published November 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

WP4 Deliverable 4.1 Research Outline: Legitimate (multilevel) crisis management from the perspective of human rights, rights and position of minorities, and non-discrimination

  • 1. ROR icon Institute for Ethnic Studies


Deliverable 4.2 presents the research outline and design that will be used to execute qualitative field research within WP 4 to detect perceptions and attitudes of respondents regarding the impacts and consequences of Covid-19 related crisis management on human rights, rights, protection and situation of diverse minorities and other distinct communities as well as on (the realization of) the principle of non-discrimination. Unlike other research WPs within the LEGITIMULT project, the field research of WP 4 is planned to continue throughout the duration of the project. In the first phase, its central goal is to collect data and develop a database on perceptions and attitudes of interviewees/respondents selected among persons belonging to national, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities and diverse distinct communities with regard to the effects, impacts and consequences of Covid-19 related crisis management – particularly from the perspective of respective distinct communities. Additionally, particularly in the later stages of the LEGITIMULT project the data, the research results and findings of WP 4 will be used to test, evaluate and interpret the research data, results and findings of other WPs and the project as a whole. The main method used for the qualitative field-research of WP4 are open-ended in-depth interviews that will be complemented by other methods, such as direct and indirect observation (with and without participation), informal conversation, focus and discussion groups, panels, etc. The appendices include the interview protocol that presents the process of carrying out the interviews as well as collecting, organizing and coding the data, forms of consent of respondents and interviewees, brief presentation of used definitions and concepts as well as theoretical model of social and political participation of minorities that should be used in organizing, classifying and interpreting of research data, results and findings.


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European Commission
LEGITIMULT – Legitimate crisis management and multilevel governance 101061550