Published November 27, 2023 | Version v1
Model Open

Publication cost and scenario model for Open Research Europe

  • 1. Research Consulting


This spreadsheet model accompanies the report 'Scenario Modelling for Open Research Europe' and has been prepared for the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I) by Rob Johnson of Research Consulting, acting in the capacity of an independent expert. 

The model is intended to assist DG R&I and other supporting funders to determine the expenditure and funding required to develop Open Research Europe into a non-for-profit European publishing platform for all Europe. It enables readers to understand the overall costs involved in running the platform and to assess how changes in the following variables may affect ORE's overall funding requirement:

  • article production costs
  • marketing and community engagement
  • platform development and maintenance
  • salaries and wages
  • administrative overheads
  • inflation
  • value added tax.

The model has been made available under an open licence so that it can be reused and adapted to estimate the costs of other not-for-profit open access publication platforms and infrastructures.


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