Published November 16, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Climate Coffee with Mark Payne | An experiment in climate service portability: A Danish Climate Atlas in Ghana

  • 1. ROR icon Danish Meteorological Institute


This presentation was given during the a Climate Coffee online on 16 November 2023 with Mark Payne on "An experiment in climate service portability: A Danish Climate Atlas in Ghana". 

Climate Coffees are short (circa 40 min: 20 min talk + 20 min Q&A), relaxed meetings for scientists to share ideas, discuss methods and communicate new results. They are open to speakers of all levels of seniority, we especially encourage early-career scientists to become a speaker. The Coffees are an exciting opportunity for scientists to build a network and disseminate recent results, peer-to-peer. We invite researchers from across the climate science community to join us for this series of regular online knowledge exchange events. 

The Climate Coffees are organized by the Horizon Europe project OCEAN:ICE, the Danish Meteorological Institute and the European Climate Research Alliance. 

Sign up for our newsletter: https://ecra-climate.us20.list-manage... 

Check out past and upcoming Climate Coffees here:



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European Commission
OCEAN ICE – Ocean Cryosphere Exchanges in ANtarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth system 101060452