Published June 22, 2023 | Version v1
Other Open

PIDs for instruments in photon and neutron facilities science - Use Case by STFC

  • 1. ROR icon Science and Technology Facilities Council


The proposal of this use case is to advance the use of PIDs for instruments, such as instruments, devices, software and services, in the context of photon and neutron facilities (research infrastructures). This is an area of great interest in the community, for example, assisting with assessing the impact of individual instruments.
In the field of photon and neutron science, an important European project, ExPaNDS (, has just come to an end after three years of work. ExPaNDS is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service and is a collaboration between ten national Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) as well as EGI. ExPaNDS was founded on the ideals of FAIR data and has produced many high-quality results for the PaN community. There were also some areas of great interest to the community that were not yet pursued, including PIDs for instruments (in this context, an instrument is a beamline on a facility and its associated equipment used for conducting analyses of particular types). The FAIR-IMPACT project is an opportunity to take this further to advance FAIR in the photon and neutron community.


PIDs for instruments in photon and neutron facilities science.png

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European Commission
FAIR-IMPACT – Expanding FAIR Solutions across EOSC 101057344