Published February 2, 2022 | Version 2
Project deliverable Open

Blue-Cloud D3.4 Blue Cloud Demonstrator Users Handbook V2

  • 1. Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • 2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations


This handbook describes the 12 thematic IT services developed and made available for users as part of the Blue Cloud platform and tested in real scenarios via the demonstrators, plus 2 additional generic IT services available directly from the platform. Users are able to discover and understand the services and then to re-run each of them as proposed by the developers. To do this, they will need first to register as a Blue Cloud user. This will allow them to access to the Blue Cloud Virtual Research Environment (VRE) and the Virtual Laboratories (VLab) where the service they look for is provided. This is true except for 1 Vlab for which additional credentials provided by the scientists' developers are requested. Points of contact are also given in case the users have difficulties or questions regarding the service they want to try-out and use. Some services give the possibility to the users to select other input data or to "play" with several options. Services described are in a prototype stage (TRL6 – 7) and may be enhanced following feedback from the users. Therefore, please, as user, provide feedback to us! This handbook will be corrected and updated during the year. It will be also improved with additional services, thematic and generic, to provide the most possible complete and up-to-date overview of the Blue Cloud services along the project life.



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European Commission
Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409