Published April 6, 2023 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Blue-Cloud D5.3 Blue-Cloud Services Uptake Report

  • 1. Trust-IT Services
  • 1. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
  • 2. Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • 3. Flanders Marine Institute
  • 4. Maris
  • 5. National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Information Science and Technologies


Blue-Cloud has achieved significant results since the start of the Blue-Cloud project in October 2019. The Blue-Cloud Open Science platform introduced a "de facto" federation taking place at 3 levels: the data, the computing resources and the analytical services. For each of them Blue-Cloud orchestrated mechanisms that successfully established interoperability and resulted in a Data Discovery and Access Service, the Virtual Research Environment and five Virtual Laboratories providing access to 15 services. Blue-Cloud working environments are serving more than 1,300 users in total spread across 20 countries. Up to mid February 2023, more than 42,100 working sessions have been executed, with an average of 1,027 working sessions per month and an average of 294 working analytics sessions executed every month by the users of the VLabs. 

This document gives an overview of the main services released by the project - the Virtual Research Environment, the five VLabs and the Data Discovery and Access services - and for each of them presents the main target users, the exploitation of the services. Statistics about the growth of users is presented, with explanations commenting on the type of services exploited and reasons behind the evolution of the user base as well as on the works performed. 

The document also highlights the exploitation potential for the Blue-Cloud services, detailing what scientific advances the solutions introduced can offer to the wider marine community, and what type of usage can be done for the services when coupled with other applications and solutions, additional datasets and exported to other communities. For those Virtual labs whose services and datasets were exploited by the participants to the Blue-Cloud hackathon, a short overview of the main outcomes is also provided, since the work that these teams performed is illustrative of the potential impact that can be generated thanks to the exploitation of the Blue-Cloud infrastructure. 

Chapter 1 illustrates the overall usage and uptake of the Blue-Cloud open science platform by its partners 

Chapter 2 is dedicated to the uptake and exploitation of the services offered by the Blue-Cloud demonstrators as part of their Virtual Laboratories 

Chapter 3 illustrates the usage of the Data Discovery and Access Service 

Chapter 4 introduces the exploitation potential linked to the usage of the solutions by third party communities, such in the case of the JERICO Research Infrastructure.



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European Commission
Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409