Published October 26, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.4 Strategic guidance & quality assurance

  • 1. Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti


This document intends to build strategic guidance for INSPIRE research and support work, including guiding principles of feminist research & pedagogy, open science/innovation, decolonial approaches to knowledge production on GE in Europe. It will set the internal and external quality standards & assurance and define ethics requirements for: stakeholder/CoP involvement/ recruitment, research activities, deliverable review process, training units & support packages.

The deliverable is divided into five sections. Section 1 lays out the guiding principles, values and relevant concepts as applicable to the INSPIRE project: Gender mainstreaming, Intersectionality, Feminist pedagogy and epistemology, Diversity and inclusivity, Decolonial approaches to knowledge production, Critical approaches to the EU gender equality politics and policies, Open science, and Ethic and research integrity. These guiding principles are the foundations for the practical guidelines for different project activities as set out in Section 2, which provides guidelines organised into clusters addressing groups of similar activities within different tasks to be conducted within the INSPIRE project. These are: (1) tasks involving data collection and accumulation of existing knowledge; (2) tasks involving research and creation of new knowledge; (3) tasks involving creation of applicable tools and products; (4) tasks involving interaction with external experts and beneficiaries; (5) tasks involving knowledge exchange and dissemination; (6) tasks involving event organisation; (7) tasks involving writing reports, deliverables, analyses, and other textual outputs.

Section 3 outlines principles underlying the publication strategy of the INSPIRE project and offers guidelines covering both the research results planned to be published as part of the INSPIRE project, and other publications that might use the outcomes of the research and activities conducted as part of the INSPIRE project. Finally, Section 4 outlines Quality Assurance protocols and offer basic guidelines for the project deliverables to be followed by the Quality Assurance Editors (QAEs) in the process of reviewing INSPIRE deliverables. Finally, Section 5 provides a list of references to publications used in this deliverable.


INSPIRE_Deliverable_D2.4 Strategic guidance.pdf

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INSPIRE – European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action 101058537
European Commission