Published October 23, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.1c Gender Equality Plans, Policies and Measures in Research and Higher Education Institutions of Latin America

  • 1. ROR icon Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
  • 2. ROR icon Universidad Nacional de San Martín


The main objective of this report is to present the results of a literature review on the institutionalization of gender equality policies and particularly, on measures to mainstream gender in higher education institutions in Latin America; and its linkage with similar initiatives developed in Europe. It provides a mapping of approaches and knowledge produced on gender equality policies and plans in the field of higher education in Latin America, offering innovative ideas and new perspectives to academics, gender equality experts, interested professionals and trainers, as well as policy makers aiming at institutional change; it identifies research gaps in relation to gender equality and possible lines of research and future work that will contribute to closing these knowledge gaps.


INSPIRE_D2.1_(1) KSH3_Literature Review Latin AmericaFV.pdf

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European Commission
INSPIRE – European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action 101058537

