Published September 29, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

BY-COVID D7.3: Report on public engagement activities

  • 1. Sciensano
  • 2. KNAW/DANS
  • 3. ELIXIR


This deliverable is an overview of public outreach activities in the context of the BY-COVID project. The goal is to inform the public about the project’s goals and activities by creating materials that cover its main objectives and basic values and principles. 

The strategy deployed to reach a diverse public is twofold:

  1. The creation of ten concise, easy to understand, original and creative ‘cases’, each describing a practice, a value or a principle underlying the BY-COVID project.

  2. An educational toolkit, ready for use by teachers from all over Europe.

These materials were co-developed with relevant work packages to ensure veracity and disseminated through the BY-COVID network and already existing networks where teachers can find educational material for their students.


BY-COVID_D7.3_Report on public engagement activities.pdf

Files (2.0 MB)

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BY-COVID – Beyond COVID 101046203
European Commission