Published August 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

SLA Decomposition for Network Slicing: A Deep Neural Network Approach

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. Nokia Bell Labs, Antwerp, Belgium


For a network slice that spans multiple technology and/or administrative domains, these domains must ensure that the slice’s End-to-End (E2E) Service Level Agreement (SLA) is met. Thus, the E2E SLA should be decomposed to partial SLAs, assigned to each of these domains. Assuming a two level management architecture consisting of an E2E service orchestrator and local domain controllers, we consider that the former is only aware of historical data of the local controllers’ responses to previous slice requests, and captures this knowledge in a risk model per domain. In this study, we propose the use of Neural Network (NN) based risk models, using such historical data, to decompose the E2E SLA. Specifically, we introduce models that incorporate monotonicity, applicable even in cases involving small datasets. An empirical study on a synthetic multidomain dataset demonstrates the efficiency of our approach.


SLAs_decomp_with_NN__2023_rev_NL_ (7).pdf

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European Commission
DESIRE6G – Deep Programmability and Secure Distributed Intelligence for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks 101096466