Published August 23, 2023 | Version Authors preprint version
Conference paper Open

AdvRevGan: On Reversible Universal Adversarial Attacks for privacy protection applications

  • 1. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Different adversarial attack methods have been proposed in the literature, mainly focusing on attack efficiency and visual quality, e.g., similarity with the non-adversarial examples. These properties enable the use of adversarial attacks for privacy protection against automated classification systems, while maintaining utility for human users. In this paradigm, when privacy restrictions are lifted, access to the original data should be restored, for all stakeholders. This paper addresses exactly this problem. Existing adversarial attack methods cannot reconstruct the original data from the adversarial ones, leading to significant storage overhead for all privacy applications. To solve this issue, we propose AdvRevGAN, a novel Neural Network architecture that generates reversible adversarial examples. We evaluate our approach in classification problems, where we examine the case where adversarial attacks are constructed by a neural network, while the original images are reconstructed using the reverse transformation from the adversarial examples. We show that adversarial attacks using this approach maintain and even increase their efficiency, while the classification accuracy of the model in the reconstructed data can almost totally be restored. 


On_Reversible_Universal_Adversarial_Attacks_For_Privacy_Protection_Applications__MLSP_2023_camera_ready (1).pdf

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