Published August 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Study of the Properties of Compost Garbage and its Effect on Germination and Breeding of Okra (Hibiscus Esculentus sp)

  • 1. Directorate of Solid Waste Management - Tartous Governorate- Syria


This research aimed to reveal the properties of garbage compost, and to study the prospects for its use in cultivation and breeding of okra (Hibiscus esculentus). The research was divided into two parts; the first section was laboratory work by taking samples of compost and its mixture with soil and analyzing its properties. Six replicas were taken from each of three treatments. The first: [A] is 100% compost], the second is [B] 75% compost + 25% agricultural soil], and the third is [C] 100% agricultural soil. The second section is an agricultural work to study the possibility of germinating okra seeds and raising its seedlings on compost and its mixtures. The results showed a good content of organic matter and nutrients and an excellent ratio of C / N. The ratio of the heavy elements was within the permissible limits, but a high pH value and a high salinity value were noted in the event that the compost was not washed. The results of the tests showed the ability and validity of compost to improve the germination rate of vegetables after mixing it with soil by 50% compost, but compost should not to be used alone for germination without mixing it with the soil.



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