Published February 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Art-aesthetic aspects of the Italian travel advertising

  • 1. Department of Information Technologies and Design at the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ivana Ohiienka St, 19, Kyiv, Ukrajina, 02000


We present a retrospective and results of the stylistic analysis of Italian travel posters. Cultural, historical, natural, and geographical symbols are becoming increasingly important in the context of intercultural communications. A fundamentally new type of communication – digital has acquired its own meanings, connotations, and images. This study is based on system-structural, sociocultural, and comparative methods. The value of analytical work lies in the theoretical generalization of the development of travel advertising from the angle of visual aesthetics. The author emphasizes that travel posters of the 20th century in Italy have regional imagery, attractiveness, concise and clear disclosure of the characteristics of tourist service, creative compositions, unusual perspectives, and colour contrast that ensures the functionality of each message. Obtained scientific results deepen the idea of colour graphics, generalize its communicative and art-aesthetic aspects, and make it possible to determine new factors of image creation.



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