Published July 31, 2023 | Version V1 31/07/2023
Project deliverable Open

Future Exploitation Report

  • 1. Quadram Institute Bioscience


The Food and Nutrition Security Cloud (FNS Cloud) project aim was to launch a first-generation food cloud by federating existing and emerging datasets, which would solve the current fragmentation problems. To demonstrate the integration process undertaken by FNS Cloud Beneficiaries, new data and tools were generated, but also existing ones were further improved and developed throughout the 4-years’ project. Those new or enhanced resources varied in their nature (e.g., training materials, videos, software and apps, data repositories, case studies, others) and are considered the main outputs of this project. This deliverable provides an overview of all work package (WP) 5 outputs, which were developed or further enhanced as part of three different demonstrators that intended to address several distinct topics from the FNS domain, such as Agri-Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle, and Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the Microbiome. The Agri-Food demonstrator generated three main case studies: exploitation of the food traceability and metrology search engine for three agri-food chains, food labelling data and reformulation tools, and Total Diet Studies (TDS): risk assessment and occurrence visualisation. Two case studies were developed as part of the Nutrition and Lifestyle demonstrator, which included food intake and consumer behaviour data and dietary intake data in vulnerable populations. The third demonstrator, NCDs and the Microbiome, produced three case studies: healthy diets for healthy microbiome, tool for type-2 diabetes (T2D) and hypertension (HTN) risk assessment and personalised dietary and lifestyle feedback, and alert classification system for food-diet-drug interactions. Additional services and tools were needed to guarantee the success of all demonstrators. Those resources were mainly developed in WPs 2 and 3 and are also considered part of the main outputs of this project (e.g., FNS Catalogues, Food matching service, FNS Cloud intake dataset assessment tool, FNS Harmony ontology). All these resources have been listed as outputs under the corresponding task they were developed for. Even though they are key for the correct functioning of the demonstrators, these tools and services can be used/accessed as standalone services and/or tools by other researchers or end users. An exploitation plan for each output has been proposed in this document as part of the post-project exploitation activities, that seek to maintain all tools and resources available to the scientific community and public in general after the conclusion of the FNS Cloud project. Exploitation strategies were defined depending on the characteristics of each output (e.g., uptake by other project, further research, and development [R&D] to be carried out, available for further usage in research studies, others), but all of them should fulfil one requirement, which is to be findable and accessible via the FNS Cloud Catalogues. Together with the exploitation plan, a comprehensive list of dissemination and communication (D&C) activities and the appropriate intellectual property (IP) strategy for each output have been detailed.


2023-07-31 D5.10 Future exploitation report.pdf

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European Commission
FNS-Cloud – Food Nutrition Security Cloud 863059