Published July 25, 2023 | Version v1
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Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease - a literature review


LUBASZKA, Zuzanna, FIEGA, Jakub, MICHALSKA, Milena, ŻUREK, Urszula, SZEWCZYK, Dorota and SIKORSKA, Ewa. Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease - a literature review. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2023;24(1):99-110. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI






The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. 32343.

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Received: 28.06.2023. Revised: 20.07.2023. Accepted: 20.07.2023. Published: 25.07.2023.








Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease - a literature review

  1. Zuzanna Lubaszka
    ORCiD: 0009-0008-3034-1697
    Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony w Kielcach, ul. Grunwaldzka 45, 25-736 Kielce, Poland
  2. Jakub Fiega
    ORCiD: 0009-0007-9188-1382
    Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony w Kielcach, ul. Grunwaldzka 45, 25-736 Kielce, Poland
  3. Milena Michalska
    ORCiD: 0000-0002-8052-5661
    Państwowy Instytut Medyczny MSWiA ul. Wołoska 137, 02-507, Warszawa, Poland
  4. Urszula Żurek
    ORCiD: 0009-0008-3482-5381
    Warszawski Szpital Południowy, ul. rtm. Witolda Pileckiego 99, 02-781 Warszawa, Poland
  5. Dorota Szewczyk
    ORCiD: 0009-0008-9269-2687
    Międzyleski Szpital Specjalistyczny w Warszawie, ul. Bursztynowa 2, 04-749, Warszawa, Poland
  6. Ewa Sikorska
    ORCiD: 0000-0003-2352-650X
    Katedra i Zakład Fizjologii Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Banacha 1B, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland






Lyme disease is an infectious zoonosis transmitted by ticks infected with Borrelia spirochetes. Condition affects multiple organ systems and typically has a protracted course.

Although Lyme carditis is a comparatively rare symptom of Lyme borreliosis, it can cause major cardiac conditions, including death, if left untreated. Atrioventricular block of various degrees is the hallmark of cardiac involvement, although other manifestations of the disease are increasingly describe such as ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, pericarditis, acute coronary syndrome, mild heart failure, cardiac tamponade or individual cases of cardiomyopathy, degenerative valvular lesions and vasculitis.

Cardiovascular conduction disorders have a good prognosis despite their abrupt onset
and completely resolve after a few days of antibiotic therapy. Therefore, a wait-and-see attitude should be maintained. However, a temporary or permanent pacemaker may be required if the patient's clinical condition necessitates prompt intervention. Nevertheless, current recommendations suggest avoiding temporary stimulation wherever possible
and limiting its use to the shortest treatment time possible.

Aim of the study

The following paper aims to present a review of the current possible complications of Lyme carditis described in the literature and to discuss the treatment.

Materials and methods

The following English keywords and its Polish equivalents were used to search Google Scholar's medical databases: lyme carditis, lyme disease, tick-borne disease. The articles most pertinent to the subject have been chosen.


Keywords: Lyme disease; Lyme carditis; borreliosis; tick-borne disease; ticks



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