Published July 25, 2023 | Version v1
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Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis before two great discoveries of the 20th century: the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine and streptomycin


ADAMOWICZ, Dominik, ŁOPUSZYŃSKA, Inga, ZEMBALA, Julita, STAŃCZYK, Justyna, MELIKSETIAN, Astrik, WOSIŃSKA, Alicja, PAZIK, Dorota, KOSECKA, Katarzyna, CIEŚLIK, Aleksandra and JARGIEŁO, Anna. Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis before two great discoveries of the 20th century: the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine and streptomycin. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2023;22(1):97-117. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI





The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. 32343.

Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences).

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Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe: Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu).

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Received: 29.06.2023. Revised: 30.06.2023. Accepted: 20.07.2023. Published: 25.07.2023.




Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis before two great discoveries of the 20th century: the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine and streptomycin


Dominik Adamowicz

University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw, Banacha 1a, 02-097 Warszawa

Inga Łopuszyńska

The National Institute of Medicine of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Wołoska 137, 02-507 Warszawa

Julita Zembala

University Clinical Center, Medical University of Warsaw, Lindleya 4, 02-005 Warszawa

Justyna Stańczyk

Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute, name of prof. Eleonora Reicher in Warsaw, Spartańska 1, 02-637 Warszawa

Astrik Meliksetian

The National Institute of Medicine of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Wołoska 137, 02-507 Warszawa

Alicja Wosińska

Marshal Jozef Pilsudski Memorial Hospital in Płońsk, Henryka Sienkiewicza 7, 09-100 Płońsk

Dorota Pazik

Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego Orłowski Hospital, ul. Czerniakowska 231, 00-416 Warszawa

Katarzyna Kosecka

The National Institute of Medicine of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Wołoska 137, 02-507 Warszawa

Aleksandra Cieślik

Praski Hospital in Warsaw, Aleja Solidarności 67, 03-401 Warszawa

Anna Jargieło

National Research Institute, ul. Szaserów 128, 04-141 Warszawa




Introduction and Purpose. Fundamental milestone in fight against tuberculosis is the invention of the effective vaccine, but before Anthony van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe the bacteria, which opened the door to the first vaccinations in the 19th century. Medicine had battled against infectious diseases in different ways. Some methods can be perceived as a kind of primitive vaccines, which couldn’t, however, considerably affect a decrease in the epidemic range, due to their uncommon use and limited effectiveness. The aim of this paper is to analyze the history of tuberculosis and the role of Poland in the fight against it.

Materials and methods. PubMed database was used for review of the literature. The following phrases were searched in English: “tuberculosis”, “vaccination”, “BCG vaccine”, “sanatorium”.

Description of the state of knowledge. Poland played an important role in the fight against tuberculosis. It was in the laboratory of Polish pharmacist, where Koch discovered its etiological factor. In the territory of Poland there are prototypes of modern sanatoria for tuberculosis patients. Article also presents old and modern methods of tuberculosis treatment, as the use of specific climatic conditions, which resulted in developing health-resort treatment. A breakthrough in the methods used was the discovery of streptomycin in the middle of the 20th century, which led to the development of pharmacological treatment, nowadays involving the administration of proper combinations of drugs.

Summary. The increasingly strong anti-vaccine movement is slowly destroying what people have been fighting for the centuries. It is worth recalling how we reached milestones in this fight and why immunization is so important for all societies.

Key words

tuberculosis, vaccination, sanatorium, mycoplasma



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