Published November 30, 2022 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Portfolio of communications resources

  • 1. EuroFIR AISBL


Priorities for Period 2 included revision of the website and creation of a Zenodo Community, based on Period 1 activities and outputs, capture and publication of event materials, and increased FNS-Cloud-specific social media content as well as continued collaboration with Blue-Cloud, which has brought about important results in a relatively short period of time (e.g., FAO uFish dataset). More specifically, beneficiaries’ logos have been updated on all outputs, social media accounts have been added to Office templates, the project website has been reviewed with the consortium and navigation for the community of practice (myFNSCloud) revised following feedback from new user communities, more and more audience-specific social media content has been generated, and posters, roll-ups, etc. updated or newly published. FNS-Cloud has also been presented to a range of user communities, largely through opportunities identified by multiplier organisations (EFFoST - NL, ILSI - BE, and IFA - AT) or the coordinator (RTDS – AT) with EuroFIR (BE) and/or QIB (UK), UCD (IE), PMT (CH), UWTDS (UK), NUTRIS (SI), and IMDEA (ES) delivering presentations about project aims/activities in general, or -more specifically- work done around the demonstrators to FNS researchers, IT specialists, and project consortia with common goals. The updated Dissemination and Community Engagement Plan (DCEP2022) covers the final Period (October 2022-September 2023). The primary aim of dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities remain building relationships, creating goodwill, persuading user communities to engage with FNS-Cloud and overcoming reluctance around FAIRification as well as asking for help. However, whilst activities during Period 3 focus on key exploitable results, there will also be an emphasis on sustainability, specifically what can be maintained after funding, whilst not imposing a burden on beneficiaries.


2022-11-30 FNS-Cloud D6.6 Portfolio of communications resources.pdf

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European Commission
FNS-Cloud – Food Nutrition Security Cloud 863059