There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 29, 2023 | Version V1 Under EC review
Project deliverable Open

interTwin D3.1 DTE blueprint architecture, functional specifications and requirements analysis first version


This document provides an architectural blueprint for the interTwin Digital Twin Engine, outlining its functional specifications, requirements analysis, and fundamental building blocks.

The blueprint is designed to be utilised by the interTwin project's technical Work Packages (WPs) to align with the requirements of associated subsystems. Additionally, it considers other relevant initiatives and projects to identify potential architectural components that can be incorporated within the interTwin context. The blueprint will ultimately serve as a conceptual model of the Digital Twin Engine, following its planned evolution and iterations through collaborative co-creation during the project.


interTwin D3.1 V1 Public Under EC review.pdf

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European Commission
interTwin – An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science 101058386