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Published June 28, 2023 | Version 1.0
Output management plan Open

SciLake Data Management Plan

  • 1. ARC


This is the first version of Data Management Plan -DMP- for EC Horizon Project SciLake. It is contained also in our project deliverable: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8116909. In the project evolution our DMP will be updated and enriched; new versions will also be stored on Zenodo.


This DMP will be included in the corresponding project deliverable "Deliverable 7.2 SciLake Data management plan (DMP)" with DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8116909


DMP_Democratising_and_making_sense_out_of_heterogeneous_scholarly_content_0 (11).pdf

Additional details


SciLake – Democratising and making sense out of heterogeneous scholarly content 101058573
European Commission