Published October 31, 2022 | Version 3
Conference paper Open

Upravljanje logovima i vizualizacija statistika korišćenja AMRES servisa upotrebom alata otvorenog koda

  • 1. Akademska mreža Republike Srbije - AMRES, 11000, Beograd, Srbija


PSSOH conference paper for invited lecture on log management and visualization using open-source tools.

The lecture was recorded and the video of presentation held by dipl. eng. Katarina Simonović together with the Q&A session in English is available at


Title in English: "Log Management and Visualization of AMRES Statistics using Open-source Tools". This version contains both paper and presentation.


6 ATodosijevic_KSimonovic_AArsovic_PSSOH_2022.pdf

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