Urban man: aesthetics of the future
The main content of the article is the consideration of new trends in the aesthetics of modern cities. What will the city of the future look like in the light of the problem of its perception as an aesthetic phenomenon. The relevance of the study is related to the problems of modern cities as a habitat for a sentient person. The following issues are highlighted: preservation of the cultural heritage of cities in the context of revitalisation; new aesthetics of street art; metamodern architecture and related anthropological problems; the city as an existential phenomenon. The study object is the architecture of modern cities; the subject is modern architecture as an object of artistic perception. The study purpose is to present the process of urban planning in the context of its tasks related to culture as a whole and to man as a subject of perception of the phenomenon of architecture. To achieve this purpose and solve the research tasks, along with philosophical and aesthetic methodology, methods of other sciences were applied: hermeneutical, axiological, existential-phenomenological, semiotic, psychological. The sources used were works on urban studies by such well-known researchers as: N.P. Antsiferov., C. Landry, A.E. Gutnov, I.G. Lezhava, A.G. Rappoport, as well as publications on the Internet by modern observers, cultural figures, authors of architectural projects, artists. Modern urbanism is a creative field where a constant search for new forms and solutions is performed. But all these numerous finds and discoveries are interesting, but not connected by a single idea of creative thought. It is necessary to form a goal that will unite all efforts. And the main content of this goal should be a feeling person.
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