Published June 30, 2023 | Version 1.0
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SNAPP- Diseases in wild South American camelids Literature Review Datasets


SNAPP Diseases in wild South American camelids project: Vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) and guanacos (Lama guanicoe) are the two species of wild South American camelids whose distribution ranges from southern Argentina and Chile to central Peru. Declines in guanaco and vicuña populations have been recently associated with outbreaks of sarcoptic mange infections, impacting the health and conservation of South American Camelids (CSAs). Recognizing that the greatest challenges to conservation and sustainable development require innovative solutions, we have been forming a working group Andean Camelid Disease to collaboratively find management strategies to control sarcoptic mange to promote the health of CSA, their ecosystems, surrounding livestock, and the members of Andean communities that rely on the management of these species. In this perspective, we review the current knowledge on sarcoptic mange in CSAs and identify existing knowledge gaps. 

Datasets created and used in the SNAPP Diseases in Wild South American camelids project (
This repository contains the databases (BD) generated from the systematic review of published information, including the metadata of each of them, the basic description of the methodology used, and files with the description of the information obtained.

BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_ResumenCalidad.xlsx: BD with the description of each of the documents worked on in the systematic review, including a detailed summary of the objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions. Additionally, the evaluation of the quality of the data collected from each document has been included, as well as the classification of the studies according to their type considering the categories defined by Pullin and Knight 2001 and Pullin and Knight 2003.

BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_PrevalenciaPoblaciones.xlsx: contains data on the prevalence and mortality of mange by CSA populations, including data on location, type of management, and years, among others.

BD BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_PrevalenciaIndividuos.xlsx: contains data on the prevalence and extent of mange by CSA individuals, including information on age and sex.

BD BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_Severidad.xlsx: contains data on the severity of scabies in CSA populations, including data on location, type of management, and years, among others.

BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_Tratmientos.xlsx: contains quantitative and qualitative data on the effectiveness of implemented veterinary treatments, including information by location and year on drugs, implemented concentrations, doses, and recovery time, among others.

BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_Genetica.xlsx: Contains available genetic information on CSA populations and subpopulations.

BD_SNAP-CSA_RevSiste_Percepciones.xlsx: contains perceptions and opinions collected during the systematic review in relation to the severity of mange in CSA, the importance of ecological factors in relation to the severity of mange, the effect of CSA management in relation to with the severity of mange and the effectiveness of treatments.

These documents are the result of the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) Diseases in Wild South American Camelids working group. SNAPP is a partnership of The Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Society.


Para mayor información, revisar el libro blanco "Abordando los impactos de la sarna sarcóptica en camélidos sudamericanos silvestres a través de un paisaje de mitos y leyendas" Contacts: Emiliana Isasi-Catalá ( Paulo Colchao (



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