Published February 26, 2018
| Version v1
Journal article
Stochastic Optimal Control Model of Malaria Disease
- 1. Department of Mathematics, Valley View University, Kumasi campus, Ghana
- 2. Department of Mathematics, Sunyani Technical University, Sunyani, Ghana
- 3. Department of Mathematics, Osei Kyeretwie Senior High School, Kumasi Ghana
In this research article, an optimal control model of malaria disease with standard incidence rate is proposed. Maximum Principle was employed to derive the necessary conditions for the existence of optimal control. Stochastic version of the model is derived by introducing a random perturbation in the main parameters of the model equations. Numerical solution of the optimality was derived and computed to investigate the optimum control strategy that would be efficacious to be implemented in reducing the number of exposed and infected humans as well as illustrating the explicit differences in the dynamics of the models.
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