Published May 1, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A dynamic and extensible web portal enabling the deployment of scientific virtual computational environments on hybrid e-infrastructures


For the past ten years, INFN has been investing heavily in developing solutions to enable transparent access to a multi-site federated Cloud infrastructure. A main goal is to provide a generic model to allow INFN users fair and simple ways in accessing resources, regardless from the (richness of their) experiment, the proximity to a powerful computing centre, the capability to administer complex resources such as those offering GPUs. The ultimate objective is to reduce the learning curve required to deploy, manage and utilize computing services on a federated cloud system. To this end, a dynamic and extensible web portal has been put in production within the INFN Cloud project. In this paper, a detailed overview of the architecture behind the web portal will be provided. Moreover, the strategy adopted for implementing a re-usable and highly customizable system to describe and deploy any service on cloud will be described. Finally, the foreseen evolution toward a multi-level dashboard will be shown.



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