Published April 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Capital, Planning and Prospects for the Transition to Communism: Assessments of Discussions by Politico-Economic Schools

  • 1. Doctor of Economics, Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Head of the Department of General Economic Theory and history of economic thought, Saint Petersburg


Scientists of Marxist orientation unite around the journal "Questions of Political Economy".The core of this association is the supporters of the famous N.A. Tsagolov school. Their publications in the journal are leading and set the general tone. In parallel with this work, a group of theorists who are followers of the school was united in St. Petersburg on the basis of the journal "Problems of Modern Economics" (editor-in-chief Professor N.F. Gazizullin), I.K. Smirnova. In the process of developing the provisions of this school, ideas arose that. These, on the one hand, complement the results obtained by the authors published in the journal "Questions of Political Economy", on the other hand, contradict them. This article aims to identify some of these contradictions and try to identify ways to eliminate them. The solution of the proposed task is important for the consolidation of researchers who stand on Marxist and neo-Marxist positions. Without consolidation, it is impossible to effectively resist marginalist theoretical and ideological expansion.



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