Published March 20, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

FEDORA. Excerpts from essays, transcript of interviews and group discussions on students' future perception. Part 2: Essays, Finland.

  • 1. University of Helsinki


Version 1.0.

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Changes: README added to this description page.



This matrix, presented in two formats (.xlsx and .csv), contains an English-language dataset (translated from original Finnish). The data relate to a research article Agency and transformative potential of technology in students’ images of the future: Futures thinking as critical scientific literacy, accepted to be published in Science & Education.

As per ethical concerns and participants' consent, the dataset is given in a fully anonymised form. Here, excerpts from students' essays (the context of which is given in the article) are given. The excerpts are the ones that have been used in analysis for the article identified above. Further details will be available in the published article.

A number of excerpts are given, originating in 57 essays in which upper-secondary students imagine the year 2035 or 2040 and the technological environment in which they would like to live at that time. This overlaps with another dataset (see link above); a numbering scheme was used to group codes for the analysis: type of technology (1), effect of technology (1E), and positive/negative framing (2A). The 1-codes are omitted. While these are unrelated to the article of this analysis, the 2B-2D codes correspond to the categories in the article. Due to some unfortunate redundancies, some excerpts are separated in this version. However, the data should provide transparency for the analysis.

The dataset is intended for providing transparency, but it may also be used for further research, in which case some processing is needed. Assistance (clarification) may be available from the authors at reasonable request. Please note that the dataset presented here contains redundancies and may contain a few additional codes that were not used in the analysis. The redundant quotations from the essays were not duplicated in the analysis, but were not removed from this spreadsheet export. Apologies for any inconvenience.

To preserve full anonymity, students are not identified by any marker or pseudonym here; rather, the quotations are given alphabetically. The start and end of passages has not been checked for additional or missing first and last characters, as these can easily be inferred.

The related research article gives a fuller description of the dataset and analysis.

Please contact the corresponding author for more information.






Data Set Title: “FEDORA. Excerpts from essays, transcript of interviews and group discussions on students’ future perception. Finland"

Data Set Author/s: Antti Laherto, Tapio Rasa, Jari Lavonen (University of Helsinki)

Data Set Contact Person/s: Tapio Rasa (University of Helsinki), ORCID 0000-0003-1315-5207,;

Data Set License: this data set is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

Publication Year: 2023

Project Info: FEDORA (Future-oriented Science EDucation to enhance Responsibility and engagement in the society of Acceleration and uncertainty , funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme. Grant Agreement num. 872841,


Data set Contents

The data set consists of:

One spreadsheet file, provided in two alternative formats (CSV and XLSX).




Data set Documentation

Given above this README, on the ZENODO repository.



The full FEDORA dataset is divided into three parts; the two other parts are found at and



Files (216.3 kB)

Additional details

Related works

Dataset: (URL)
Is continued by
Dataset: (URL)


FEDORA – Future-oriented Science EDucation to enhance Responsibility and engagement in the society of Acceleration and uncertainty 872841
European Commission