Quotation;Codes 1;Codes 2;Codes 3;Codes 4;Codes 5;Codes 6;Codes 7;Codes 8;Codes 9;Codes 10;Codes 11;Codes 12;Codes 13;Codes 14;Codes 15;Codes 16;Codes 17;Codes 18;;;;; " Advanced technology would be found both in people's houses and in state-of-the-art laboratories. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Although climate change will continue to cause significant issues after 2040, we are also slowing it down in many ways. Renewable energy sources have become the most efficient option, and in addition to solar and wind power, wave energy is also being utilized. We have developed a way of eliminating the waste created by nuclear power plants, but the goal is still to switch to other methods of energy production in the future. "; 1 Energy production; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " But the rhythm of life has accelerated in the past decade, and I am sure it will be even faster in the future, so eating may be replaced by drinking 10 ml of ""medicine"" and sleeping on the bed could be replaced relaxing in a machine. "; biotech; 1E Time-saving;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2A positive; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);;;;;;;;;;;;;; " By 2040, I would like science to be so advanced that we would have the means to solve all sorts of problems, such as protecting the Earth and curing people of deadly diseases "; 1E Environment; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Food production has become difficult, because drought and heat plague many farm areas and biotechnological food production methods are inadequate to meet the needs of our growing society. "; biotech; 2C nonprob-leaning;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A negative;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I eat my food and go into my virtual reality room. A WWII battlefield appears on my contact lenses, and I spend a good half an hour battling Nazis with my friends. I spend the rest of the evening in my home theatre watching Shrek 10. "; 1 VR; entertainment tech; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hope future technology will help people in their daily lives, but I also hope that the development will be in a direction where technology is assisting people, not doing everything for them. ";;;;;;;;; ;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " I myself have worked in the thriving art scene, and in the last five years I have also worked in the aforementioned artificial intelligence industry. "; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Own career; 2D 3 Own agency;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Happiness; quality of life;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I still use a phone, but it is much more advanced than the 2019 models. "; phones etc;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I wake up at 6:30 to an electrical impulse from my smart watch "; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In addition, I can get around quickly and ecologically, which makes it much easier to make my schedule work. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1 Transport; travel; 1E Time-saving; 1E Environment; etc; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions;;;;;;;;;;;; " In general, inventions from a couple decades ago are evolving and becoming more widespread in our society. ";;;;;;;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;; " In many workplaces, desktop and laptop computers have been completely replaced by tablets, and typing is done by converting speech or even thoughts into text rather than by using a keyboard. "; phones etc; 1E Work; job market;; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " information technology, and technology in general, has advanced so that people no longer have to do anything manually that is not compulsory "; 2A positive; 1 Technology in general; 2B radical-leaning;; 1E Convenience & everyday life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " It is possible to eat a healthy and individually optimized diet, and because technology helps me figure out what nutrients I need and when, I do not have to spend a lot of time ensuring my diet is healthy. "; longevity; 1 Technology in general;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " It would be great if humans had been able to visit Mars or even live there. "; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Space; geoengineering;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Keeping in touch is easy, and society has evolved so that every citizen has access to a digital device that makes communication, even with those who are far away, more practical and easy for people of all ages. "; social life; 2A positive; 1 Communication tech; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Manual labour, on the other hand, has become largely automated, which is probably advantageous over a longer period of time as it reduces the workload of humans. In the short term, however, it has resulted in the unemployment of groups of people who previously held professional titles such as mechanic, shoemaker, technician or blacksmith. "; job market; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1 Automation; 2A neutral; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " – My biggest concerns include the misuse of technology and how slowly our society is evolving. "; 2A negative; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " People have smart watches that are able to collect various types of information about our bodies more and more accurately. "; longevity; 1 Wearables; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology could make my life easier, but not by too much. ";" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 2A neutral;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is developing even faster than before. ";;;;;;;; etc; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is used extensively in the workplace. Computers play a big role and paper has completely disappeared from the office. Manual labour is almost entirely done by machines, and people mostly do creative work. "; digitisation; IoT; 1 Automation; 1E Work; job market; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology would be so advanced that it would allow everyday life to run really smoothly, even though I think that we should not automate everything or replace everything with robotics "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The standard of living will be very high, because we will be able to cure people of extremely serious illnesses and people will live long. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Through social media, you are in contact with every organization in the world, and every organization is in contact with you. If you know what is expected of you and are ready to set challenging goals and to work hard to achieve them (our society has grown bigger and more intelligent on average -> competition is tougher) you can be very successful in this world. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Internet;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Travelling would not be bad for the climate, as I would really like to travel as an adult. I hope humankind will come up with a way to travel that does not pollute the globe "; location-independence; 1 Transport; travel; 2A positive; 1E Environment;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " An hour after waking up, my smart watch starts reading the most important news of the day to me, checking at the beginning of each one whether I am interested in that topic. My smart watch has become quite familiar with my taste in news during the past half a year, which has made these morning news reviews even more interesting. "; 1 Wearables; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Availability of information; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " From a technological point of view, people would have paper-thin phones and the view from the screen could be sent to, for example, eyeglasses/sunglasses. For example, you might see people walking on the street while chatting on the internet with their friends or watching their favourite series. Laptops would also be paper-thin and easy to carry with you. However, headphones would still use Bluetooth. "; phones etc; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My ideal place offers a good mix of technology and other activities. "; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " . I am also surrounded by new types of smart devices, such as digital butlers at home. They are operated with voice commands and have artificial intelligence. They do everyday chores at home, look for answers to your questions on the internet, and they never shut down. This means people can devote more time to enjoying their lives and making their surroundings more beautiful. Therefore, the place where I live is peaceful, beautiful and clean. "; housekeeping; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 1 Smart home; 1 AI; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " . In a place where new technological advances have not led to a loss of privacy or freedom. Free software that respects its users' rights and privacy has replaced non-free software, and you can genuinely rely on technology. "; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2A positive; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " . Moreover, in 2040, we will no longer have to moan about and fear the lack of sustainability, having our jobs taken by robots or growing inequality, as all these faults will have been resolved once there was no other option. At the same time the development of technologies needed to, for example, combat climate change has improved our economy and increased our knowledge. "; job market; 1 Technology in general; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 1E Environment; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " . The development of artificial intelligence is sure to continue, and at some point, we need to ask how far people want to take artificial intelligence. How much can robots do, and is there a risk that they could take over entire industries? "; 1 AI;; 2A neutral; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Work; job market;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " . This is because the process is no longer hindered by people not knowing the same things – now the challenge is just that people interpret the facts differently. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A community surrounded by all sorts of cutting-edge technology will surely face various problems resulting from the fact that the things around them are largely technology-driven. ";; 2A negative; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A lot of math and physics will be used when developing technology. I like them a lot, and I think that will give me good job opportunities. "; 1E Skills; 1E Own career; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A new problem in our community is that many different professions are disappearing as robots evolve. Robot development is already progressing at a tremendous pace today, so in the future when they are better than humans in terms of, for example, precision and speed, it will be pointless to hire people if robots can offer a faster and ultimately cheaper alternative. "; 1 Automation; 1E Work; job market; 2A negative;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A new, more functional solution to waste management would have been developed, but trash would still be one of the biggest problems for our country. "; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2D 2 Expert agency;;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Skills;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A substitute for plastics has been found, cars no longer produce exhaust gases and meat is no longer eaten. "; travel; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " A summer day in 2035 will be technological and innovative. Buildings will look even more futuristic and technology will advance in big leaps. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " According to futurists, artificial intelligence will not be more ""intelligent"" than humans by 2040, but it will already be quite advanced and therefore widely used in society. Smart homes and self-driving cars will be available to less affluent citizens than today due to their falling prices, improved availability and widespread use. "; travel; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1 Smart home; 1 AI; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Advanced technology should reduce emissions that are harmful to the environment. I "; 1E Environment; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Advances in medical technology may also provide opportunities for people with disabilities: for example, prostheses could be improved to become almost as functional as the original human limbs. In addition, neurological diseases could be treated directly by modifying the physical properties of the brain with a device capable of accurately treating disorders within the brain without the need for major surgery. It might be possible to treat mental illnesses in this way as well, but there is a risk that it could allow brainwashing for some unacceptable purpose. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2A neutral;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " All in all, the city takes advantage of technology in many ways, but it does not replace everything, for instance exercise and green spaces. "; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E One's surroundings;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " All the information about what's happening around us is very real-time, and outside there are screens or reflections of ads and news everywhere. ";; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Although technology has made it easy for me to skip seeing my friends in real life and to keep in touch with cell phones, it is important to me and my friends to see each other and to have other forms of contact in addition to social media. "; social life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Communication tech; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A neutral;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Although we have not yet achieved it, we are currently approaching the so-called ""post-scarcity society"", where there are no more jobs that require little education – food and other resources are distributed evenly just because people need them and they are so easy to prepare. Soon there will be no reason to be greedy. ";;;;;;;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling";;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " An ideal city would be technologically advanced, which would be reflected in the lives of the people living there, for example in terms of energy production, recycling and public transport. Climate change problems would also be solved, and people would have a new way of life that would not consume our planet’s resources as much as our current one "; 2A positive; 1 Transport; travel; 1 Energy production; 2B radical-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Skills; 2C nonprob-leaning; ; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " An older, but extremely important development was the introduction of quantum computers as mainstream technology. They are mainly used in large quantum servers, and much of the computing is now done in the cloud. The network connection is often as fast as a ""local connection,"" which means that most heavy computing is handled in data centres. The devices are lighter and smaller and require less energy. These large data centres are under the strict control of the state, or even run by the state itself. "; phones etc; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " and public transportation is available on both air and land routes. "; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Transport; travel; 2B radical-leaning;;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " and that we have not gone overboard with genetic engineering. "; biotech; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " and the travel/transportation systems will work in a completely different way than they do today. "; 2B radical-leaning;; 1 Transport; travel; 2A neutral;;; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " and to leave cleaning and other boring tasks to the robots. I would be surrounded by a lot of advanced technology, such as powerful computers, cleaning robots and smart devices. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 1 Computers; phones etc;; 1 Smart home; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Apparently, either Russian or Chinese hackers have again launched a denial-of-service attack on our company's servers, and something needs to be done about it. Since I am one of our company’s chief engineers, I have been alerted to the scene even though I am on holiday. "; 2A negative;; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As communication and traffic systems evolve, I believe that travelling and exchanging thoughts and information across the world will be very common in the future. As a result of globalization, cultures and states will become more and more alike in the future, citizens will continue to move from place to place, and states will no longer exist in their traditional form. "; travel; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 1 Communication tech; 1E Availability of information; 1 Internet; digitisation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As I pay for my food, I suddenly remember that I live in 2035. With the help of the restaurant's facial scanner, the payment process is effortless. The highly advanced technology scans my eyes from several meters away, so a quick glance at the camera is enough to confirm the charge. To avoid charging the wrong person, the system checks my ID based on my name. The payment system was created by commercial banks, and it is international like the credit cards that we used decades ago. "; 1 New interfaces; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As I step outside in 2040, moving from A to B will be easier and cities will have more modern rail transportation systems, such as high-speed trams. People want to get to different places faster than before, and various ways of doing that will have been developed because teleportation will not be possible yet, or at least I don't think so. Advanced city bikes or other easily accessible vehicles would also be available at every street corner. "; travel; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1 Others;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As I walk along the same familiar path, I look at the same familiar sights and things. I step inside a narrow tube. The tube reaches so high that you could easily hurt your neck trying to look at its end. There is an elevator in the tube that launches like a bullet and takes me up towards the clouds. After a few seconds, the elevator stops, and as I step out, my feet touch the cold glass floor. I note that everything feels colder than normal when you are barefooted in the morning. There are thousands of tubes in the big lobby, all of which take you to different place. [[These days, my commute only takes a few minutes -see next sentences]]. "; travel; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Time-saving; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As technology becomes integrated in everyone’s lives in the future, the potential problems may be widespread and potentially devastating. Technology can cause power to be concentrated in the hands of one or a few actors. For this reason, I think it is important to keep the development of technology as transparent as possible, so that citizens can be involved and understand it. "; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions; 1 Technology in general; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As technology develops, we have been able to improve our everyday lives with various devices and applications "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " As the population of the world has grown, cities have become quite large and there are very few smaller settlements. Food production is efficient thanks to advanced technology, so there is enough food for everyone in the city. "; rights; divisions; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " At home, technology also has its role. It is common for homes to have a system that can be used to regulate, for example, room temperature and lighting. "; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " At least the job opportunities are more abundant, as humanity progresses and labour is needed. Also, in the future, machines and other equipment are likely to replace manual labour, so new professions will emerge in society that may suit me. "; 1E Own career; 1E Skills; 1E Work; job market; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " At that time, I will live a pretty similar life, but I think everything will be much easier. The devices in our homes will become better suited to their purposes, or even get replaced by robots, and we will be able to control them with a phone. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " birth rates have been falling for many decades, and there are no longer enough people available for all the service jobs. Technology is used to try and circumvent this problem, for example by replacing humans with robots in various services. This increases the use of technology and robots, which can be a problem for people – for example, many fear the revolution of robots in the future, or something similar that is often seen in science fiction films. "; major risks; etc; 1E Work; job market; 2A negative; 1 Automation; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Borrowing them, of course, happens by using technology, for example a smartphone. In 2019, ordering, borrowing, and buying things, such as a bus ticket, with a smartphone is a fairly new invention, but by 2040, more and more things can be controlled or purchased over the phone. "; phones etc; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 New interfaces;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Building underground has become increasingly common, and the required technology is evolving rapidly. "; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E One's surroundings; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Buildings will be more modern and durable. New techniques and materials can be used to achieve this. ";; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E One's surroundings; 1 Others;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " but in the future, one downside to this may be that our social life is likely to become more distant. "; 1E Interaction; social life;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A negative;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " By 2040, great advances will have been made in the development of technology, and automation in particular will play a bigger role in our everyday lives. "; 1 Automation; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 1E Progress; hope;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " By 2040, our digital hand-held devices may also undergo radical changes: technology used to study the brain and the functional systems of digital devices will tightly integrated, and information technology can often be used just by thinking a few thoughts. This technology is not available to everyone yet, and some do not want to have anything to do with it. Our society is divided into groups: those who see nothing bad or unpredictably dangerous in this technology, and those who oppose it completely. "; 2B radical-leaning;; 2A negative;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions; 2C prob/scot-leaning; hope; universal good; etc; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Time-saving; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions; ;;;;;;;; " By 2040, these inventions and technologies have developed tremendously. We are surrounded by super smart technology everywhere we go: in the grocery store, at home, at work, at school or while commuting. I hope that technology will be very beneficial and make life simpler. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning; 1E One's surroundings;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " By 2040, we will have made huge advances in technology that supports and promotes sustainable development. Among other things, this will hopefully help make Finland carbon neutral in the 2040s. Thanks to technological developments, renewable energy covers an increasing share of Finland's total energy needs, and fossil fuels have been abandoned. Despite technological development efforts, climate change is still a very relevant problem, and we will probably have had to create global technological solutions to slow it down. Technological development and sustainable development are also clearly visible in the urban environment in the 2040s. Solar panels are routinely installed in all types of buildings, and the energy needs of public buildings and households are fully met by fully renewable energy. "; 1 Energy production; 1E Environment; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " By then, most fossil fuels will have been consumed almost completely, so the use of renewable energies will develop, and they will be used everywhere. For example, streets will be filled with safe hydrogen and electric cars. In addition, energy for homes and stores is produced in many other ways than just by using electricity or geothermal energy, possibly by using the energy generated by plants’ cellular respiration or energy created from the energy we use. ";" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 1 Energy production; 1 Transport; travel;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Changing the appearance of our cities was a major factor in stopping global warming. Cars were banned in cities, and they are now only permitted in rural areas and with special permission. In the cities, cars were replaced by train-like vehicles operating underground. They are difficult to describe, but they resemble a very extensive subway network. "; travel; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Climate change and other environmental problems have already been solved successfully, and all energy production is renewable or utilizes, for example, fusion power. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive; 1 Energy production;; 2D 1 General agency;; etc; 2C nonprob-leaning; ; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " Controlling all this technology will surely be a challenge, because we need more knowledgeable people who can code and program instructions for the robots and for various smart functions. So I believe that human skills will still be needed, even though robotics and artificial intelligence are becoming more common. "; 1E Work; job market; 1 AI; 1 Automation; 1E Skills; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Customs control may become more thorough, leading to the use of new types of devices. "; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Stability; safety; security; 1 Others;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Data security on the internet has improved. "; cybersecurity; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Internet; digitisation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Despite all these developments, the life of an individual has not changed in terms of its basic characteristics, at least not in my case. Sure, everyday objects now include more technology and have new features – which the wealthy already consider essential – and friendships are global and not limited by physical distances, but people still work, eat and sleep, enjoy each other’s company and gaze out to the sea – whether it is through the screen or a real window. "; 1 Technology in general;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Mobility; location-independence;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Despite all this, though, our society is unstable and environmental problems are a major problem, but people are not interested, because they are locked into their own bubbles. In their own virtual worlds. Sometimes I miss the old days. "; entertainment tech;; 1E Environment; 2A negative; 1E Stability; safety; security; etc; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;; " Despite this, I use my smart watch to reserve a table at the aforementioned restaurant, which should provide fairly quick service, at 20:30. The smart watch also alerts me that a person on my blacklist may be in the restaurant at the same time as me. I request more information and see that my former employee has booked a table at the same restaurant at 19:00. I had to dismiss him from his position, which is why I blacklisted him – but I decide to remove him from the list now that it has already been five years. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 1E Interaction; social life;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Due to globalization and greener air travel, many of my acquaintances have moved abroad, or at least people travel more often. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Transport; travel;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Mobility;; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Earlier, I already mentioned that everything is easy and fun, and it really is. I am grateful for all the inventions and technologies that I get to use today. But at the same time I am a little worried – for example life is no longer as private as it used to be. In the past, I might have been somewhat shocked if I had seen the present-day society. I talk a lot about this with my friends and family, and they, too, completely agree on both the opportunities and concerns. However, new things are generally welcomed in our neighbourhood with a positive and open mind. "; cybersecurity; 1 Technology in general; 2A neutral;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; ;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " electric cars are becoming more common and new railways are being built all the time. High-speed rail connections are being planned or have already been built between major cities. They have largely replaced domestic flights. Travelling to other Nordic countries and the rest of Europe is done by train. "; travel;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral;;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc; 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;; " Electric cars are used for long-distance travel, since they are ecological. Almost everyone in our neighbourhood has an electric car or a car that runs on hydrogen. Charging stations are located all around the country without any long gaps between them, but it is particularly easy to find them in the cities. Myself, I often use our excellent public transportation system, which also runs on electricity and has been built above the city, to move from place to place, for example to my workplace and hobbies. "; 1 Transport; travel; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Energy is generated using fusion reactors and all countries have achieved carbon negativity. "; 1 Energy production; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " environmentally friendly water and electricity production would be valued even more than today. "; 1E Environment; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Even genetic engineering, with all the benefits it could offer, would also have its negative side; for example, it could be used to modify humans ";" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2B radical-leaning; 2A negative;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Even though humanity is capable of more and more amazing things and it would theoretically be possible to separate oneself from everything “natural”, I still live between a forest and a field. I go outdoors, eat fresh vegetables and breathe air that is not too harmful for my health, even in the long term. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Even though many things can now be done more easily or skipped completely as artificial intelligence develops, it is important for me to do things with my own hands as well. I still go to work on foot or by bicycle, even though there are all sorts of electric vehicles available. I almost always make my own food, as well. I am happy to let the robots do the cleaning, though. "; housekeeping; 1 AI; 1 Transport; travel;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;" 1 Production of goods; recycling";;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Everyday life is smoother, and life is convenient because things are always designed as a part of a larger system: bus tickets and debit cards can be replaced by a smartphone, there are enough trash cans, and there are no locks that require a physical key. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Everything around me will be clean and well maintained, as you might expect from a futuristic world. I will live in a large city full of high-rise buildings. Despite the number of buildings, the city still has a lot of vegetation and clean air, which is made possible by advanced filters. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1 Others;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Exercise bikes that allow people to charge their mobile devices with energy they generate themselves have become quite common in many malls. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Energy production; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Finland has developed into a global leader in the technology sector, so Finnish exports are booming. As a result, the state's financial situation has improved, and the citizens are pleased. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Technology in general;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " For everyday devices, the biggest changes have happened in the user interface. Many devices are interconnected, and user interfaces learn a lot about their users. There have also been some changes in the traditional UI elements, but there are still buttons and text boxes. Physical controllers have also evolved, and comprehensive 3D tracking is often used in e.g. computer mice. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " For example, even if the majority of the cars were driven by artificial intelligence, it would still also be possible to drive yourself. "; travel; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " For example, most cars are driverless and all cars are electric "; travel; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive;; location-independence;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Genetic engineering would improve the efficiency of our food production and prevent unwanted hereditary diseases. It is also possible that humankind could, for the first time, meet living mammoths, dinosaurs and other extinct species in zoos on their summer holiday trips, thanks to genetic engineering. "; longevity;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Given how fast technology, especially digital technology, is evolving and will evolve in the near future, we can assume that a typical summer day in 2040 will be completely different from what we are able to imagine now. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Technology in general; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Health care technology still offers many benefits, though. It is currently one of Finland’s main export industries and offers jobs to a huge amount of people. We have developed highly effective solutions for the treatment of, for example, type 1 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, which is why I feel that my work is meaningful. "; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2B radical-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " High-quality education is available to everyone, either through lectures and our education system, or through distance learning courses via the internet. "; 1E Education; 2A positive; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2B incremental-leaning;; etc; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " High-quality live streams have also made it possible to study at educational institutions even if they are another country. However, the most typical application is distance lessons, where students follow their lessons from their homes: this allows one classroom to accommodate an unlimited number of students while everyone can work in peace. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " However, I do not see myself living in a super modern house, so I assume that the interior of my apartment will be pretty much the same as it is today. Certainly many devices will be more sophisticated and of better quality than today, but I do not see myself using unnecessary technological inventions such as electronic nail clippers. "; ; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " However, new technologies have solved many climate-related problems, such as carbon dioxide and sulphur emissions. These can now be removed from the atmosphere to the surrounding space in a controlled way. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning; 1 Space; geoengineering;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " However, this has created problems, as travelling has become more common, and is again creating harmful CO2 emissions. Fortunately, we now have more energy-efficient alternatives to gasoline, but they are much more expensive to use. "; travel; 1E Environment; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " However, this would bring up privacy issues. The easier and faster we can share information, the harder it becomes to protect it. "; cybersecurity; 1E Availability of information; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I also do not want life to revolve around technology too much. Phones are very useful, but for example social media can easily take over one’s life. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative;;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 1E Passivity; 1E Time-saving;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I also have a lot of things that exist solely for entertainment; devices that can be used to study fascinating phenomena and things (either in order to learn something new or just to admire the object). "; entertainment tech; 1 Science instruments;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I also have the opportunity to set up an international neurology clinic, as globalization has advanced as well. ";;;;;;;; 1 Science instruments;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am also interested in working with technology, new innovations in particular. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am interested in what the Internet of Things (IoT) could bring to our daily lives. Its effects will probably be more useful in industrial uses than in ordinary households, but its utopian nature is so impressive that even a layperson becomes interested. "; digitisation; IoT;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am no longer as dependent on my phone as I was back when I was young. I don't even have to carry my phone with me all the time, because I can get in touch with people and my social life anytime, anywhere. And the battery running out is no longer a problem either, not for phones or anything else. Everything is wireless. "; 1 Computers; phones etc; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Interaction; social life; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am not particularly interested in them. I would rather spend time somewhere quiet, for example near the ESO OLT Observatory. It is awesome to see such distant objects with the help of the telescope. Even the observatory itself is a beautiful sight, not to mention the things it can detect.. "; 2A positive; SCI!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am sure electronic household assistants will help us in some of our daily chores. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am sure phones will still be used, but they may take a different form. The phones could be foldable and very thin, but still retain their practical qualities. What's more, all you will need is a phone, as it will have all the information and applications you need. In 2040, phones may not look like our current phones anymore – for example, they could look like eyeglasses or SIM cards. "; phones etc; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am sure we will live in the era of amazing technology. We can expect huge breakthroughs in physics and information technology that can benefit everyone. The place where I want to live is a place where you can clearly see the development of technology and humanity as a whole, and where my future family can live in peace "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am surrounded by all sorts of artificial-intelligence-driven activities that involve interactive devices. For example, on bus stops it is common to have large screens that you can use to check bus schedules. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 New interfaces;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am surrounded by many robots specializing in different tasks. "; 1E One's surroundings; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I am surrounded by numerous smart devices designed to do everyday chores. "; 1E One's surroundings; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I believe that in 2040, people will still reach each other; advertisers will reach their customers and ordinary people will reach their friends. Social interaction will be even more technology-based in 2040. It will be possible to send messages quicker, video calls will be used more and holograms will be common, as they help people reach each other faster. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I believe that social media will still be have a strong presence in people's everyday lives. Communication with others using technology will also be more advanced in the 2040s. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Interaction; social life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I believe that, in the future, all combustion engine vehicles will disappear from traffic and be replaced by more environmentally friendly options, which will make efficient use of, for example, solar power or even nuclear power. However, the problem with nuclear fuels is that they can be difficult to control. In addition, they can generate a lot of nuclear waste, which is harmful to nature. In the future, technology might enable the safe utilization of nuclear fuel. "; 1 Energy production; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Transport; travel; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I believe there are both good and bad aspects to technology, and I cannot imagine a future where only one or the other would occur. "; ; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral;; 1 Technology in general; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;; " I can be in contact with anyone at any time and travel around the world quickly and efficiently, without harming or taking advantage of anyone or anything in the process "; 1 Transport; travel; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 1E Equality; rights; divisions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I could also drive my car, which has an electric motor and fortunately does not pollute the environment. "; 1 Transport; travel; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Environment;;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism; 1E Convenience & everyday life;;;;;;;;;;;; " I decide to search for my own name online, because I'm interested in whether my own health information has been leaked – but I find nothing. However, I can find all my previous places of residence and school certificates, starting from the first grade, since my own information was leaked in the big data leak of 2037, where they managed to hack the personal data of every Finnish person. The familiar female voice of my smart watch informs me that a total of 243 users have read my data, 30 of whom have viewed it this month. I wonder who has looked at my data, but even my smart watch cannot answer that question. Sometimes thinking about all this scares me, but I try to think that every other Finnish person’s information is available, just like my own. So this is normal. "; digitisation; IoT; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; ; 2A negative; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I do not think life is going to be very different from what it has been like up to now. For example, people will still have a need for social interaction and self-fulfilment even though technology becomes more advanced. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I do not think we will be going through a great change in the next 17 years when it comes to items and things. Of course there will be changes, but if we were to look at an ordinary living room 17 years from now, I am sure we would not immediately notice any difference. Of course, little things would then start to catch your attention. I am sure electronic household assistants will help us in some of our daily chores. It is very difficult to forecast these technological changes. Today we look at old ideas about future technology from years ago and laugh at flying cars and other utopian dreams. ";;;;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I do not think we will be going through a great change in the next 17 years when it comes to items and things. Of course there will be changes, but if we were to look at an ordinary living room 17 years from now, I am sure we would not immediately notice any difference. Of course, little things would then start to catch your attention "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I do, however, hope that technology will still be safe and useful in our everyday lives. However, I do not want to live on technology’s terms in a world that is chock-full of technology. ";;;;;;;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " I dream of a creative job that would allow me to use my brain. It feels like our society has made thinking even a bit too easy. Time spent on mathematics has been reduced in the curriculum, as we no longer really need it in our lives. Information technology handles mathematics for us. "; 1E Skills; 2A negative;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I entertain myself by watching all sorts of series and playing video games. All generations get their entertainment through digital devices such as tablets, the latest multimedia TVs and wearable VR glasses and suits. Much of the entertainment makes use of virtual realities "; entertainment tech; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I go to the store and pay for my soda by placing my fingerprints on the sensor. When I return home, I open the door by using its eye sensor. ";; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I have already arrived back at my home. The door recognizes me conveniently, with iris recognition. As the day has become warmer, the automation has turned the air conditioning on, so the apartment is not too hot, to my delight. "; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 1 New interfaces;;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I have friends that I see every now and then, and I stay in touch with them, for example, through an application. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Communication tech; 1E Interaction; social life; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I have not really thought about what technology will be like in 20 years. It will certainly be much more sophisticated than it is today, but I do not think it will be like in science fiction films and series where you often see transparent phones and so on. I do, however, hope that technology will still be safe and useful in our everyday lives. However, I do not want to live on technology’s terms in a world that is chock-full of technology. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 1E Stability;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I haven't really thought about what technology will be like in twenty years, but if I live in my dream place in 2040, I hope that the development of technology has not made the area completely different, so it would be nice if it was quite similar to the way it is now. I've always liked technology, because it makes life easier in many different ways, but I also feel that sometimes things can go a bit far with technology. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Technology in general; 1E One's surroundings; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A negative; 2B incremental-leaning; quality of life; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hear how the coffee machine in the kitchen snaps on and starts preparing my latte. My bed sensors have sent a signal to the kitchen, telling it that I have woken up since my body temperature has risen and my heart rate has accelerated. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hope future technology will help people in their daily lives, but I also hope that the development will be in a direction where technology is assisting people, not doing everything for them. "; 2C prob/scot-leaning;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hope that present-day worries such as climate change and cybersecurity issues will have taken a turn for the better. "; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hope the world will more advanced in terms of, for example, technology. We would have powerful and light computers, faster and more convenient 3D printers, durable phones and smart devices (smart desks, beds, etc.). Phones, computers, etc. could be folded down to better fit into your pocket. "; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I hope there will not be any wars and that technology will have become even more advanced. New inventions will have made people’s lives even easier than before. Everyday work would be characterised by brainstorming and the use of creativity. Life would be simple and effortless. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A positive; 1E Skills; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Work; job market; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; ; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " I like this city that I live in. Everything is going well here, and people live in harmony with robots and other devices and inventions, day after day. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Automation;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I live in a city where my dream has pretty much come true. Through the internet and other social media, people have become connected and aware of the potential dangers of technology. As a result, they are more aware of their own information security and the use of their private data. "; 1 Technology in general; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I live in a metropolis where technological advances have improved people's mobility and quality of life "; location-independence; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Technology in general; 1E Happiness;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc; ; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;; " I live in an active, busy city, where decision-making is open and focuses on the common good. Everyone has a chance to influence the world around them, information is readily available to everyone in the community and everyone’s well-informed opinion on ethical questions is available in a clear format (such as a spreadsheet) that is easy to understand. "; power; democracy; etc; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1 Internet;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I live in the first colony on Mars. My life involves doing my daily chores and socializing with other people. The biggest problem for the colony at the moment is its slow growth. The biggest problem on Earth is overpopulation: climate change has been reduced to a level where it is not dangerous. My biggest fear is the destruction of the colony. Our actions on Mars are directed by an artificial intelligence to maximize growth. The AI gives people different tasks. My dream is to see our entire solar system colonised, and maybe some other solar system as well. In my ideal world, there are no more wars and famines on Earth. ";; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Space; geoengineering; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I pay for my meal with my smart wristband, and we sit down at a table, "; 1 Wearables; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I rarely have time to meet my friends face to face. However, I can keep in contact with them through many devices, by making video calls and asking how they are doing on a daily basis through the social media "; 1 Communication tech; 1E Interaction; social life; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;;; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Equality; rights; divisions;;;;;;;;;;;; " I remember spending time in the forests of Helsinki. The thought seems absurd. There have been not been any forests in Helsinki since the great immigration crisis of 2025. People fled from the Asian coasts and the Maldives as the sea level rose. We had to build new homes somewhere. I remember when I was in school and we were taught to protect the Baltic Sea from eutrophication. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I say goodbye to my friends as the electric car I ordered with my smart contact lenses stops by the sidewalk to pick me up. Private cars have become rare, since everyone uses shared, self-driving electric cars to get around. "; travel; 1 Wearables; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 New interfaces; hedonism; 1E Work; job market;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I shake my head to wake myself up from my thoughts and hurry towards the tube that takes me to the same old familiar place. When I get to work, I sit down on my familiar bench and start to work. Today, it is almost impossible to establish social connections with others, as many people prefer to live in the virtual world in their own homes. I still have contacts with many people, but it is almost impossible to create social connections with today’s youth. This is one of the hottest topics right now. ";; 1E Interaction; social life; 1 VR; entertainment tech; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I sit on the grass in a park and read a book. The book is made of paper. I can see a lot of technology around me, but it is not everywhere. It is important to me to not spend my entire life surrounded by machines, even though they make my life easier. ";" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E One's surroundings;; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I sit on the lawn in the backyard of my workplace, eating my lunch. Behind me, there are huge laboratories. It’s where I work, too. There are not so many jobs these days, so many people are working in research and technology, just like me. Many of the professions that required human contact in the past have been replaced by robots that do the work as well as humans, except they are cheaper and more efficient. I am happy with my life. "; 1E Work; job market; 1 Automation; 1 Science instruments; 1E Skills;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I stay in contact with my friends through social media, but I also get to spend time with them live every now and then. I can also meet them in a virtual reality space, where I can chat face to face with them while we are in the same virtual room "; entertainment tech; 1E Interaction; social life; 1 Communication tech; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I step into a self-driving bus that leaves at 7:30. I read the news from a tablet provided by the bus. "; travel;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I think I will be surrounded by fairly similar objects as today, such as a phone, a computer, a camera, a bicycle and drawing equipment. "; phones etc; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral;;;; 1 Communication tech;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I think the environment will be greener than before, because industry will be more efficient and productive in the future, so it will leave more room for nature. "; 1E One's surroundings;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I wake up at eight o'clock to the sound of the alarm clock of my smart watch, which I have switched into holiday mode "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I want to live in a city where technology has a big impact on people's everyday lives. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I want to live in a place where technology benefits everyone, not just those who are more fortunate than others. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Equality; rights; divisions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I want to live in a safe and advanced place where technology allows people to have what they need for a good life. "; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I will be pretty happy with my life, because technology gives me more ways to fulfil myself, be healthy and be happy. For example, travelling may be cheaper in the future "; 1E Happiness; quality of life; 1 Transport; travel; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I wonder why I still have not gotten myself the best food processor on the market – it can make breakfast taking into account the outdoor temperature of the day and the individual energy needs of the consumer. "; longevity; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 1 Smart home; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I work in a health care company or in an expert position. My workday is eight hours long, and commuting takes an hour or two. If my job does not take all my free time, I am involved in the city council, a political party or a non-profit organization. In addition to work and my community-oriented activities, I enjoy sports and spending time with my loved ones. Food is delivered regularly by a grocery service, and I grow some vegetables at home. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I work in a health care technology company, but right now I'm on summer vacation. "; biotech; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to help people in some way, for example through medicine. I am also interested in working with technology, new innovations in particular. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Own career; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in a city where people walk, ride bikes or use electronic means of transport "; 1 Transport; travel; 1E Environment; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in a place where artificial intelligence would handle all of my home’s maintenance needs. Unless I wanted to, I would not have to do anything to maintain my house. In the modern world, everything revolves very closely around technology. Life is easy, because everything that is “unpleasant” is handled by artificial intelligence. People have a lot of spare time, which they can use to improve the world we live in or to develop their own skills. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 1 Smart home; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 1E Progress;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in a place with highly advanced technology. It would be possible to do everything efficiently and quickly thanks to technology. I also want the city I live in to be clean and with much less air pollution than there is now. Life would be simple and pleasurable. There would be fewer problems, because technological development would have removed most of them. "; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in a technologically advanced environment where a single lightweight, easy-to-carry device could be used to accomplish a lot of things. In fact, one could even say that our current environment is very similar to the environment I just described. "; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in a warm country with good opportunities for various outdoor activities and for practising marine biology ";;;;;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would like to live in an environment where people have a good opportunity to live a healthy life, both physically and mentally, thanks to technology. In my opinion, technology should benefit the individual as well as the society. "; longevity; 1 Technology in general; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive; 1E Politics; etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would own an ecological boat that I would for sailing every summer and on my holidays, and I would travel a lot using ecological planes or other fast vehicles. I would not need a car. I would like to be able to move from one place to another in a way that is quick and environmentally friendly "; 2A positive; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 1 Transport; travel; 1E Environment;; 1E Stability; safety; security; 1 Others; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;; " I would wake up in the morning and, instead of waking up to the news of how humanity is failing, I would wake up to news of new technology being invented. ";; 2C nonprob-leaning; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?); 2A positive; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I would work as a researcher, for example in the field of physics or astronomy. I hope that my work would be beneficial to our society "; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; SCI!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " If information technology keeps advancing, I may be able to play very high-quality video games in my spare time. "; entertainment tech; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I'm glad, because the flight to Italy only takes 45 minutes and our children could easily meet their friends in Helsinki, even if we moved to Italy. At times, I wonder how the world has changed so much in twenty years: when I was still in school, my school trip took more than 45 minutes, and now I can get to Italy in the same time. "; travel; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Own career; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " I'm out spending some quality time with my friends, when a message pops up in the upper right corner of my smart contact lenses: I have received a text message from my boss, telling me to get to the office immediately. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Wearables;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Communication tech;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2035 I want to live in a technological environment that helps people in their daily lives. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2035 I would like to live in a place ";;;;;;;; 1E One's surroundings;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2040, artificial intelligence will play a major role in everyone's daily lives. Technology has become much more advanced and made people’s lives a lot easier. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 AI; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2040, I would like to live in an environment where nature has been allowed to grow at its own pace, with the technology surrounding this place being as environmentally and human friendly as possible "; 1E Environment;; 2A neutral; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?); 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2040, life will also be significantly simpler from an everyday point of view, and an increasing number of household chores will be handled by robots and artificial intelligence. Household activities are monitored through a computer system, which has significantly reduced the number of accidents. Buying household management systems has also become cheaper, as the number of companies operating in the housekeeping software market has increased and competition has lowered prices. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2040, life will also be significantly simpler from an everyday point of view, and an increasing number of household chores will be handled by robots and artificial intelligence. Household activities are monitored through a computer system, which has significantly reduced the number of accidents. Buying household management systems has also become cheaper, as the number of companies operating in the housekeeping software market has increased and competition has lowered prices. "; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 1 AI; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 1E Stability;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In 2040, people's homes will be full of technology and intelligence, so you could call them smart homes. There will be all kinds of entertainment electronics, and if you need something to do in your free time, there is less need to leave your home than before. There are a variety of robots in our homes that do everyday things like cleaning and other chores. "; housekeeping; 1 Smart home; Note; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In a society built around artificial intelligence, there are many applications and objects that bring the greatest possible enjoyment to everyone. Everything is like it was in science fiction movies from the early 2000s "; 2A positive; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In addition, entertainment can be found so easily that the people’s ability to concentrate has become greatly impaired. "; entertainment tech; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative;; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In addition, we would have more advanced smart speaker assistants, like the present-day Amazon Alexa. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In an ideal world, there would be no serious problems, but natural disasters caused by climate change will probably be a major problem. I would like to become an environmental engineer, so that I could possibly help solve some of these problems. "; 1E Environment;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In fact, the newest school subject was created because of the concentration crisis caused by electronic materials. Pupils had a harder time focusing on relevant things than back when books were still used in schools. The rapid development of concentration classes, and Finnish education in general, has helped the Finnish education system to maintain its position as the best one in the world. "; phones etc; 1E Education; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; 1E Happiness; quality of life; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my dream house, everything would be automated and self-sufficient. "; 2A positive; 1 Smart home; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;; 1 Others; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal place there is technology that helps me live a socially active life, learn new things, and fulfil my dreams. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Technology in general; 1E Interaction; social life; 1E Availability of information; 1E Happiness; quality of life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal place, I would be surrounded by advanced technology. ";; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E One's surroundings;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal place, there would be many new inventions that could be used in one’s hobbies, exercise and work. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Work; job market; 1 Technology in general; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world there are many different ways to live, work and spend my free time with the help of new innovations and artificial intelligence. These innovations would be useful and helpful in terms of living, travelling and working, as well as for spending one’s free time. "; travel; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Work; job market; 1 Technology in general; 1 AI; 2A positive; safety; security; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world there would be equality and technology would be advanced in an environmentally friendly way. The technology would be used to replace polluting things in our society. My ideal world, climate change would be taken seriously, and people would come up with new innovations to prevent it. "; 1E Environment; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;; universal good; etc; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world, everyone has a hedonistic approach to life, because artificial intelligence makes it possible. "; hedonism; 2A positive; 1 AI;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world, everyone would be happy, and humanity would have evolved towards a better future with the help of technology. "; 2A positive; 1 Technology in general;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world, people have realized that technology should be used to reduce the strain we cause to the environment and to allow people to concentrate on the type of work that requires the use of the human brain. "; job market; 1E Environment; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; ; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world, there is a balance between people and technology. ";; 2A neutral; 2C prob/scot-leaning; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);" 1E ""Overtechnologisation""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world, there is a balance between technology and real people. "; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A neutral; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my ideal world... …there are, on one hand, dense cities that work efficiently with the help of discreet technology, and on the other hand, areas that have been left out of the grid and circuits, areas that nature is allowed to decorate. "; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E One's surroundings;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Environment; ; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " In my life, there is social interaction with many people, both face to face and through devices. Communication is easy and technology has advanced to the point where we can create virtual realities that allow people to communicate seamlessly. ";;;;;;;;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Interaction; social life; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;; " In public places, citizens and consumers are served by artificial intelligence, and there are very few useless things in a person's home or living environment: everything is organized for the most efficient use possible and efforts are made to prevent unnecessary spending. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life;; 1E One's surroundings; 2B radical-leaning;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;; " In such an environment, jobs that require writing could be done much faster and easier than now. "; job market; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; universal good; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the 2020s and 2030s, the Finnish society finally faced the challenges that have been talked about so much in recent years. I use the word 'finally' because in my fairly realistic ideal future, I would like these challenges to have led to new ideas and solutions that have helped our country make some new progress ";;;;;;;; power; democracy; etc; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;; " In the café, my friend and I try to guess what might happen in the next few years while we enjoy iced coffee made by a robot. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the evening, my smart watch receives a message from my husband, who is returning from his business trip to Australia. "; 1 Communication tech;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the future of my dreams, we would have solved the world’s problems, such as climate change and poverty, and people would be more equal than now. These problems are unlikely to be resolved by 2040, but technology can help, in particular when it comes to combating climate change "; 1E Environment; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the future, I imagine technology will take a bigger and bigger role in people’s everyday lives, but at the same time, it will be less noticeable than it is today. In the future, technology will become more intuitive and easier to use due to competitive pressures. I also think it would be important for all people to benefit from technology in a fair way. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Equality; rights; divisions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the future, my dream would be to work with physics and the cosmos. "; SCI!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, traffic is already based on automated vehicles; trams and buses as well as private cars follow the algorithms that are programmed into them. Traffic is monitored from dedicated centres, whose employees can take control of the vehicles in the event of a breakdown or dangerous situation. The potential problems caused by self-driving vehicles have been evaluated as being worth the benefits. "; travel; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2A positive; ; 1E Stability; safety;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the public sector’s services, such as hospitals and libraries, robots and other devices are increasingly being used to replace people. On one hand, this causes structural unemployment, and on the other hand, it creates many new jobs and positions in both the private and public sectors. This means that almost everyone has to undergo additional education during their lifetime. "; job market; 1 Automation; 1E Skills; 1E Education; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " In the workplace, especially in research, faster and faster computers will be used. They make working easier and help the researchers make progress. In 2040, quantum computers will be more common, and they will no longer be so expensive, allowing them to be used in more applications. "; job market; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Skills;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Indeed, various robots do most of the simple and boring work in our society. "; 1E Work; job market;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " Industrial workers, at least, have been replaced by robots, but numerous new industries and jobs have also been created. "; 2A neutral; 1 Automation; 1E Work; job market;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Initially, small medical companies developed treatments and vaccines for many cancers and viral diseases. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " international neurology clinic, as globalization ";;;;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " It is easy to maintain a social life. You can talk face-to-face with people, even if they are thousands of miles away. My social life will remain good, because I can talk to friends and others from places where they aren’t. "; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Communication tech; 1E Interaction; social life; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " It might be more difficult to find a job, since robots would have taken some of the jobs people used to do. People, on the other hand, would have new opportunities to fulfil their dreams and have fun in modern ways. "; job market; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism; 1 Automation;; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " It was amazing that science was revolutionized so quickly. Quantum mechanics were suddenly utilized in almost every device and activity. Diseases that were almost incurable in the past, such as various cancers and HIV, were cured by quantum chemistry. Indeed, in many scientific articles it has been suggested that this era could be called the quantum mechanical period. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; ; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " It would also be great if physicists were able to combine quantum physics and the general theory of relativity into a theory of everything. "; SCI!; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " It would resemble present-day Viikki. ";;;;;;;; universal good; etc; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " Its technology and services could be based on natural resources such as solar power, wind power and hydropower. "; 1 Energy production; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Knowledge of information technology and technological applications is a compulsory subject in education, as knowing these things is a part of everyone's everyday lives. However, education does not stress independence more than before; instead, social skills are a popular subject, and even children below school age are encouraged to take up sociable hobbies to prevent people from becoming isolated from the society. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 1E Skills; 2A neutral;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Life would be quite expensive, and all sorts of technology would be sold everywhere. The city would be more modern, and it would be easy for the inhabitants to move from one place to another. "; 1 Technology in general; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Like me, many people do still prefer the human touch to a robot chef’s, so restaurants are popular as ever "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Like the old saying goes: technology is a good servant, but a poor master. Technology and its development can make our daily lives easier, but we must also be able to do things without it. One cannot rely on technology to solve everything. "; 1 Technology in general;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; ; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Luckily we have come up with some solutions for these. Even though we have worked for decades to prevent climate change, the new atmospheric cleanser has only just been activated. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;; 1 Space; geoengineering; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Maintaining privacy is also difficult, as everyday life is not possible without the internet, and the applications that use the internet store all the data they collect – in order to match advertising even more efficiently to your personal preferences. "; digitisation; IoT; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many everyday objects and things have evolved with the help of technology, but we have not yet reached a world where cars fly and every person has their own robot servant. T "; 2A positive; 1E Convenience & everyday life;; 1 Technology in general; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many household appliances, or appliances found in our homes in general, will have become more automated and advanced (for example, blenders and vacuum cleaners may be quieter and more efficient than today). "; housekeeping; 1 Smart home; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many jobs have changed from customer service to product and service design work. For products, recyclability and environmental friendliness are valued just as much as price and quality. New companies have been created to meet modern-day needs and to support sustainable development. "; 1E Work; job market; 1E Skills; 1E Environment; 1E Economy (exc. job market);; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many of our everyday items would be made from recyclable materials. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;" 1 Production of goods; recycling";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many services make use of technology, but some work will still need to be done by humans. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Work; job market; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 1E Own career; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " Many things in my life would probably be automated, but innovation would still be a job for humans. Personally, I would like to come up with something that would benefit all humanity. "; 1E Work; job market; 1E Skills; 2C nonprob-leaning;; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?); 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Mars would be home to the first human settlement located on another planet. Space research would be on the rise in general. The living conditions offered by the moons of Jupiter would be studied, and we would be considering venturing further into space "; geoengineering; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Maybe I should go for a drive in my new convertible Tesla to cool down – not that I would actually be driving it. "; travel; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning;;; 1E Availability of information; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions; 2D 1 General agency;;;; " Modern technologies would also make it possible for me and others to travel faster and in more environmentally friendly ways. "; travel; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Time-saving;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " More electric car charging stations have appeared on the streets, encouraging people to buy electric cars. "; travel; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " More money has become available for investments in new technology, urban development and education ";;;;;;;; 2A positive; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " More virtual than now. Digitalization progresses and people from all over the world will be able to connect with each other. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 2A neutral; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Most people live in high-rise buildings these days. In the cities, the buildings are tall and close to each other. "; 2A neutral; 1E One's surroundings;; 1 Others; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Much of my social life is virtual, but it is still also important to see one’s friends in the real world "; entertainment tech; 1E Interaction; social life; ;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Smart home; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My apartment is part of an internal system that controls everything in the house. The system controls the locks, lights, entertainment system and home appliances, for example in the kitchen. Everything is easy, even simple. If I want to have an ice cream on a hot summer day like this, I can easily go get it from the shop after asking the system about the selection and offers of the day. I can also ask the system to make me a shopping list with the ingredients for home-made ice cream, taking into account what I already have in the fridge. "; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Chores; housekeeping;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My biggest concern and fear is that there might not be enough food for a large number of people, especially if arid areas like deserts keep expanding and droughts prevent farming. This problem will not directly affect my life if I live in Finland ";;;;;;;; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;; " My biggest concern and fear is... … that technological advances could widen the gap between the rich and the poor and enable the latter to be oppressed on a global scale. "; rights; divisions; 2A negative; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My biggest concerns and fears include the speed at which artificial intelligence evolves and the fact that it is being developed so quickly that the related ethical and safety issues are not considered thoroughly. "; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 1E Stability; safety; security; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My biggest concerns and fears include uncontrolled climate change and the rise in unemployment as machines replace people. "; job market; 1 Automation; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My biggest concerns and fears relate to the challenges posed by climate change and the potential security threats and privacy loss that could result from large-scale digitalisation. "; cybersecurity; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My career prospects are slightly limited at the moment. Just a few years ago, our society underwent a major structural change. Most services have been automated, and unemployment is on the rise. Professions that cannot be automated, such as the teaching profession is still quite traditional, offer me some options. Sure, teaching has changed a lot; pens no longer exist in this world. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Automation; 1E Work; job market;; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My coffee is done, and its temperature is optimal, 70 °C. The AI my house is equipped with (Amazon Alexa) wishes me good morning "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is for everyone to have the chance to benefit from technology. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 1E Equality; rights; divisions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is that, with the help of technology among other things, we could come up with solutions to problems around the world, including how to maximize sustainable development and how to minimize air pollution and environmental problems. In general, it would be ideal if we got climate change under control with the help of new inventions and artificial intelligence. "; 2A positive; 1 Technology in general; 1E Environment;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to be a brain researcher or neurosurgeon. ";;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to have a society where the fear of automated technology taking over has been overcome, and everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the technological revolution. "; rights; divisions; 1 Automation; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;; 2A positive; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to live as normal a life as possible, even if technological advances might make it impossible. My dream is that technology will evolve and help us with our current problems, but without taking away our benefits. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A negative; ; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to live in a society where I am not dependent on technology and where the environmental situation is good. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A negative; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to participate in the development of future inventions. "; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Own career; 2D 3 Own agency;;; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My dream is to solve a major human problem. I am also interested in electronics, so I would like to invent something brilliant. "; 2A positive; 1E Own career; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);; 2C nonprob-leaning; ; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My guess is that, by then, almost all objects that do not use electricity yet will be electrified. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B radical-leaning; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT;; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My house probably utilizes solar panels. "; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My husband says he is at the airport and suggests we meet in front of my favourite restaurant in two hours. I wish the flight from Melbourne to Helsinki did not take so long – one and a half hours – because I am hungry already. "; travel; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My ideal place would have allotment gardens and solar panels on the roofs of apartment buildings "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My ideal world is as peaceful as possible, and all technological development focuses on promoting the success of humanity as a whole, and not on developing ways of waging war against others. "; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A neutral;; 1E Progress; hope; universal good; etc;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My life is easy, because I do not have to take so many things with me any more. For example, my means of payment, keys and other various identifiers are integrated in me. Even when travelling, there is no need to stress about your passport. When I am in a bank, shop or gym, I do not have to meet customer service staff, as customer service is automated. ";; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Automation; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My living environment and the city as a whole offer me something I could never have dreamed of – new forms of energy and technology and more sustainable development. "; 1 Energy production; 2A positive; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My main concerns and fears include climate change, excessive automatization and robotics. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Automation;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My main concerns and fears include potential nuclear wars and the misuse of technology. I mean, for example, using technology to commit crimes or create large-scale disasters. "; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My main concerns and fears include, among other things, the loss of privacy and having to be constantly concerned about someone “monitoring” me. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A negative; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My main fear and concern is that wealthier nations will benefit more from new technologies than poorer nations, and inequality will increase. "; rights; divisions; 1 Technology in general; 2A negative; 2C nonprob-leaning;; REVISIO 2B 0 (inc/rad?);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My opportunities in life would be good, especially in terms of work, because the constant development of technology would create jobs "; job market; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Technology in general;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My own work is related to the application of artificial intelligence in government, which will hopefully prevent many potential negative developments. "; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My robotic bag follows on my heels, both in the city and on the beach, and I can use voice commands to ask it to give me, for example, my swimwear, which it also dries after swimming. "; 2A positive; 1 Others;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My smart wristband, which was charged by my movements while walking, starts ringing. ";; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;; IoT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My social life has developed as I have grown, but technology has not impacted it much ";;;;;;;; technology addiction; mental health;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My social life is in a good shape, at least in my opinion. It's easy to get in touch with friends and family through 3D video calls anytime, anywhere. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 1E Interaction; social life;; 1 Communication tech;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My social life is satisfying in every way. On a whim, I can contact anyone I wan "; social life; 1 Communication tech; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My social life takes many forms. I do not only communicate with people over the internet, although it makes it easier to stay in touch with my friends who live far away. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My social life will probably be the same as now, because even though technology is evolving quickly, I still want to spend time with my friends, face-to-face. "; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Technology in general;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My summer day in 2040 is full of very innovative technologies. My neighbourhood is a city block full of interconnected apartment buildings. Between them are shops and other services that the residents need. Getting around is easy – for example, I can use an electric scooter. "; travel; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E One's surroundings; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " My view on future society is that robots will make our daily lives easier and do a variety of tasks, and people will spend their free time on art or researching science using new and very precise devices. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Automation; 1 Science instruments;; 1E Time-saving; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " n my life, there is social interaction with many people, both face to face and through devices. Communication is easy and technology has advanced to the point where we can create virtual realities that allow people to communicate seamlessly. "; social life; 1 VR; entertainment tech; 1 Communication tech; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " New innovations and ideas are clearly visible around me as I enjoy a happy summer day in 2040. First of all, I could be spending it almost anywhere, because technological advances and a higher standard of living make moving from one place to another easy, fast and affordable. This has also been influenced by the inevitable change in the culture of ownership: in an era of rapid development, owning personal vehicles does not make sense, and mobility is based on efficient public transportation as well as rental, autonomous vehicles. Thanks to the high degree of utilization and collective funding, we have been able to make a fairly good investment into them. Free movement, of course, gives individuals better and more extensive opportunities to follow their motivations. "; location-independence; 1 Technology in general; 1 Transport; travel; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " New technological centres will be built in the cities. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " New types of tools for surveillance and the maintaining of order will probably be developed for the police. "; safety; security; 1 Others; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " New urban jobs have also been created as new technologies develop, "; 1 Technology in general; 1E Work; job market; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " New ways of monitoring your own health will also be more sophisticated and play a significant role in health care. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Next year, our team will move to the OLT Observatory to work on our new theory. I and my girlfriend have been considering this move for a long time, and she agreed to move closer to the observatory. It is nice to get away from the dusty streets of Helsinki for a change. This will be a dream come true. "; 1 Science instruments;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Now, thanks to holograms, we can communicate with people from all over the world. "; ; 1E Interaction; social life;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Nuclear and hydrogen bombs would also still be a problem. Even if there were peace agreements between all countries, humans will never forget how to make these bombs. ";; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 1 Others; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " On a hot summer day, the smart devices attached to my clothes may need to cool my body down or protect me from UV radiation. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Wearables; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Once I get home, I cook for myself, even though there is no real need. There are some things that I just do not feel like automating ";" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces"; 1E Chores; housekeeping; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " One of the biggest challenges my community faces is using renewable energy as efficiently as possible, because global metropolitanization has increased energy consumption so much that it has become much more expensive "; 2A negative; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " One of the main problems is trying to bring quality of life to the level that technological development would allow despite our limited resources. ";; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Happiness; quality of life; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A positive; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " One problem that I another people may run into is the rebellion of artificial intelligence against all people. If artificial intelligence overtakes human intelligence and something goes wrong, things can go in the wrong direction, which could result in catastrophic consequences. If we manage to maintain artificial intelligence in a form that is useful to humans, it will have a lot of positive effects on people's daily lives. "; major risks; etc; 1 AI; 2A neutral; 2B radical-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Other challenges I might think about could include space colonisation, emerging diseases, and nuclear waste disposal "; geoengineering; 1 Energy production;; 2A neutral;; 2B radical-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our cities will be much more developed. Public transportation and many service sectors will become completely automated. "; travel; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1 Automation;; mental health; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our codes are fully intelligent, and they control various tasks themselves. For example, refrigerators will order missing products, such as milk cartons, by themselves and drones will deliver them to your door. "; housekeeping; 1 AI; 1 Automation; 2A positive; 1 Smart home; 2C nonprob-leaning;; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our community does not face too many problems, except of course when there is a power outage due to a storm or other weather events. Of course, we also have backup generators in our homes, and some of our technology only runs on batteries. ";; 1E Stability; safety; security; 2A positive; 1 Others; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our community does, however, face a problem – unemployment. This is because machines have replaced people in most jobs. A solution for this problem is, however, being sought all the time, and some people have gained jobs through the rapid growth of the technology sector and the need for the maintenance of information technology devices. "; job market; 1 Automation; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 2B radical-leaning; 2A negative;; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our society relies heavily on electronic and mechanical devices that carry out almost all the tasks that people find boring and time-consuming. People have time to focus on things they find interesting and fun. "; 1 Automation; 1E Time-saving; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our society’s main problems relate to legal matters revolving around IT software, users and producers. Complicated operating system rules and e-commerce are a constant source of misunderstandings, and it is not always easy to determine who is wrong and who is right. From time to time, different actors disturb international relations by exceeding their authority, so a court operating above states is under development "; digitisation; IoT; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2A negative; 1E Politics;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our technological environment has developed a lot since the 2010s, but the devices themselves have remained surprisingly similar. Of course, they have hundreds of times more computing power, but they still resemble their ""ancestors.” "; phones etc; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Our transportation, including both cars and public transportation, would be automated, so there would be no drivers. "; travel;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Overnight, robots would have cleaned and organized my apartment, and maybe even made me some breakfast. "; 2A positive; 1 Smart home; 1E Chores; housekeeping;;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Paper books have become quite rare after publishing them was banned in the 30s. In fact, the newest school subject was created because of the concentration crisis caused by electronic materials. Pupils had a harder time focusing on relevant things than back when books were still used in schools. The rapid development of concentration classes, and Finnish education in general, has helped the Finnish education system to maintain its position as the best one in the world. ";;;;;;;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Pedestrian and cycling paths complement the existing tram and train network. Private cars are prohibited for the most part. Shared cars and taxis are available outside the major city centres, but they are practically unnecessary in more densely populated areas. In cities where there is no tram or metro network, there are well-functioning bus connections. ";;;;;;;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;; 1 New interfaces;;;;;;;;;;;; " People are very tolerant, but at the same time their closest friends are chosen very carefully. Interacting with your loved ones is easy and fast, regardless of distance. "; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Communication tech; 1E Interaction; social life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " people will still have a need for social interaction and self-fulfilment even though technology becomes more advanced. However, I do think technology can help people do and achieve the things they want more efficiently. On the other hand, technology often offers so many different opportunities that it can be difficult to choose between them. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Happiness; quality of life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " People would go to gyms where the gym machines are used to produce electricity. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " People's need for social interaction will not disappear even though technology evolves. New technology can, however, offer novel ways of connecting with other people. Over the last few decades, communication between people has developed tremendously, and in the future, new technology will probably bring even more ways to communicate with others. One possible trend is that people could develop more superficial acquaintances and less intimate relationships due to the large number of communication opportunities available. "; social life; 1 Communication tech; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " People's social lives now mostly take place online. Since, for example, a live stream sent through a new, inconspicuous camera placed at your temple offers the viewer an almost life-like experience, many save time and watch the streams sent by their friends, or people who travel with these cameras as a profession, and imagine that they are visiting several places at once through their screens. The fear of missing out on events is strong enough to keep people stuck to their screens instead of visiting one particular place themselves. "; 1 Wearables; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health; 1 VR; entertainment tech; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Perhaps holograms will be used to teach at work and in schools. The holograms may be real-time or previously recorded. "; 1E Work; job market; 1 Communication tech; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; digitisation; IoT; 1E Availability of information; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;; " Perhaps we will turn our gazes to other planets or our own moon for a solution. Maybe we are on the verge of utilizing the Sun’s energy really efficiently; a small piece of a Dyson sphere could soon become reality – the first part might be completed by 2085. Perhaps we will achieve a controlled fusion reaction. There is always hope. "; 1 Space; geoengineering; 2A positive; 1 Energy production; ; 1E Progress; hope;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Practically everything is done electronically, and internet access is available to everyone anywhere. Children learn to use various devices from a young age. Computers, tablets and smartphones are used every day in elementary school, and even more actively in high school, college and university. "; digitisation; IoT; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Education;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Present-day mobile phones has been replaced by, for example, sophisticated smart watches or powerful computers integrated into clothing. This device can recommend some ice cream parlour or activities that would suit me – or even my friends. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 1 Computers; phones etc; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 1 Wearables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Problems caused by physical illnesses have also diminished, thanks to the advances made in pharmaceutical technology. On the other hand, people's well-being or happiness has not significantly increased, as the number of mental problems is growing. "; longevity;" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Problems faced by my community would include solving how to grow food on Mars, cure some diseases more effectively and travel to another star system. "; biotech; 1 Space; geoengineering; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Public transportation and most cars are self-driving. To combat climate change, everyone has switched to electric cars, and cars running on diesel or gasoline are no longer manufactured at all. "; travel; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 1E Environment; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Public transportation is also completely fossil-free. Private cars will hopefully be banned in the city centre. "; travel; 1E Environment;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Public transportation works well – there is no need for cars, and the environment is well cared for "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Transport; travel; 1E Environment; 2A positive;; 2D 0 No agency; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Quantum computers have become much more common than they used to be. Even phones and clothing utilize quantum technology and mechanics. This was unimaginable when I was younger. You can adjust your clothes to fit your body perfectly, use them to make phone calls, and on some models, you can even watch the news "; phones etc; 1 Wearables; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Others; digitisation; IoT; 1E Work; job market;;;;;;;;;;;; " Recently, it was mentioned on the news that small island states such as the Maldives have to be evacuated because the islands are in danger of sinking. The news is full of negative things, and perhaps the biggest problem that remains unresolved is the increasingly intense and frequent occurrence of La Niña. There is a lot of discussion around it, but researchers have not yet identified its causes. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Renewable energy sources would be important to us and we would use them more. In summer 2035, I might also see fusion power plants on the horizon; they would finally have become profitable. The storage and transportation of electricity would work better in general. "; 2A positive; 1 Energy production; 2C prob/scot-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 0 No agency;; etc; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Residential areas will also be integrated in nature by allowing plants to grow even on the buildings’ walls. For this to work, plants could be genetically engineered to be able to grow around tall buildings, withstand extreme conditions, and possibly to be evergreen. ";" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 1E One's surroundings; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Robots will become more common, halving the working time, which will result in unemployment. New jobs will be created "; 1E Work; job market; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Automation; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Robots will surely do more work around us, and some work traditionally done by humans as well. "; job market; 1 Automation; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral;; etc; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; ; 2B radical-leaning; ; 2D 2 Expert agency; 2D 1 General agency;;;; " Robots with AI would help us with our everyday lives. Coming home on a summer day, I would not have to worry about cleaning or other unpleasant chores, because robots would do them for me. "; housekeeping; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1 Smart home;; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Services would be provided by robots, and machines would handle work. For example, on a summer day, you might notice a robot as an ice cream kiosk vendor, or at a shop, an automated machine could observe what you are buying in a store and send an invoice to your phone after your visit. Even though this sounds great as an idea, it would also be the main problem facing society. There would be very few jobs available, and poverty would gradually increase in the society, as few people would be receiving wages. Most jobs would involve machine maintenance or repairs, so career opportunities would be limited. "; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1E Skills; 1E Work; job market; 2A negative; 1E Skills;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Similarly, people could misuse new technologies, and protecting society against such activities requires resources and can easily lead to collateral damage, for example by reducing privacy. "; cybersecurity; 2A negative; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Since I was young, I always dreamt about working in the field of medical research. I get to practice my dream profession and work in a really advanced environment. ";" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Own career;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Since the day is sunny, I decide to go running. My smart watch tells me that the temperature outside is +30 degrees Celsius, so considering my current state of health, I should run four kilometres, which is one kilometre less than my normal jog. I decide to follow the watch’s recommendation, as it says that a longer run in such hot weather could result in a migraine attack. ";" 1 Medicine; health tech"; biotech; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Social media environments will probably keep developing quite a lot further, so chatting with friends may become more convenient than before. "; social life; 1 Communication tech; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Social media offers many advantages, but it also has its dark side. I think being present in the moment is more important than taking a perfect picture or browsing through social media. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces";;;; 1 Others; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Social media would have evolved, and we would keep increasingly close contact with our loved ones. It would be possible to visit a friend via your phone. People would have friends all around the world, and it would be easy to stay in touch. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Some of our society’s major concerns include people becoming passive consumers of entertainment and the depletion of resources. Since there is nothing people have to do, many spend their time brainlessly staring at the screen, but since entertainment does not need to make as much profit, it is no longer designed to be as addictive as before. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health; 2A negative; 1 VR; entertainment tech;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " some people have gained jobs through the rapid growth of the technology sector and the need for the maintenance of information technology devices. ";;;;;;;; 2A positive; 1E Enjoyment; hedonism;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Such a city is more environmentally friendly, "; 1E Environment; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Sunshine and warm temperatures will still be around in the summer 21 years from now, but apart from that, only two things will be pretty much unchanged: humans and nature. ";;;;;;;; 1E Stability; safety; security; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;; " Surprisingly, children and the elderly are still not cared for by robots, as it has been discovered that the synthetic manufacturing of sufficiently human-like machines is inefficient and uneconomical compared to the natural process. "; 2A neutral; 1 Automation; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technological developments are also evident in smartphones, computers and tablets, whose functions are becoming more and more versatile. As a result, protecting your privacy and data will become more important and, on the other hand, more challenging; even though people provide increasing amounts of information about themselves to the numerous services offered through smart devices, they are unlikely to read privacy statements or terms of use any more thoroughly in 2040 than they do now. Cyber attacks are likely to become more common as well as more dangerous and widespread; new technological developments will serve both the people who develop ways to protect our privacy and those who are behind the cyber attacks. "; phones etc; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology can offer huge benefits when applied to education, for example. It could allow us to educate more people by making learning materials and lectures more easily accessible. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology could make my life easier, but not by too much. For example, even if the majority of the cars were driven by artificial intelligence, it would still also be possible to drive yourself. I also do not want life to revolve around technology too much. Phones are very useful, but for example social media can easily take over one’s life. Like the old saying goes: technology is a good servant, but a poor master. Technology and its development can make our daily lives easier, but we must also be able to do things without it. One cannot rely on technology to solve everything. ";;;;;;;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A positive;" 1 Production of goods; recycling"; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology does not do everything for people, but it can be used to make everyday life simpler. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology has advanced to the point where computers’ capabilities exceed those of the human brain, and artificial intelligence is utilized in everyday life. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology has also made many everyday tasks easier, so we can spend more time with other people. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 1E Time-saving; 1 Technology in general; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is advanced, but not at the level of flying cars. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is an integral part of all services and everyday life. Many jobs have changed from customer service to product and service design work. For products, recyclability and environmental friendliness are valued just as much as price and quality. New companies have been created to meet modern-day needs and to support sustainable development. Building underground has become increasingly common, and the required technology is evolving rapidly. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is an integral part of all services and everyday life. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is more or less an integral part of all everyday activities: our clothing is made from intelligent materials that can be controlled by the systems found in our watches and phones. The clothes’ breathability and waterproofness - and, in the latest and most expensive products, their colour - can be adjusted to suit your taste by a tap on the screen. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Others;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is no longer developed for the sake of money, but because the invention of something new gives content and meaning to the researchers' lives. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is not used to monitor people. I think this is a good thing, because I value my privacy. "; cybersecurity; 1 Technology in general; Note; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology is used to care for the environment. It facilitates the functioning of our society and helps us adapt to the effects of climate change. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology makes it easier to build connections and networks that bring opportunities. With a phone, for example, people can make appointments or just text each other for fun. "; 1 Communication tech; 2A positive; 1E Interaction; social life; 2B incremental-leaning;; 1E Enjoyment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology will be more and more present in homes as well, and new devices helping us in our everyday lives will be standard equipment in our homes. Perhaps robots or automation will be seen in our homes in the 2040s. Sustainable development technology will hopefully be present in most homes, for example in the form of recycling robots or appliances that regulate electricity use. "; housekeeping; 1E Environment; 1 Smart home; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Technology will become more seamlessly integrated in my life. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral; 1 Technology in general;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Thanks to advances in medicine, we would know how to cure cancer and would have invented antibiotics that can kill super-bacteria, which we would be careful not to overuse. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Thanks to artificial intelligence and automation, people also have more free time. For example, I no longer need to go grocery shopping as artificial intelligence can do it for me based on my consumption habits. "; 1 Automation; 1 AI;; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Chores; housekeeping;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Thanks to technological advances, everyday devices such as phones, cameras, and other screens have become faster and more accurate. However, technology has not yet been able to create the flying cars that we often see in movies and cartoons "; phones etc; ; 2A positive;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Thanks to technology, new health care treatments have been introduced in the 2040s, for example, cancer treatment has become more effective and mortality rates have dropped significantly. Gene therapy has also evolved and is now used to treat many diseases. "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Thanks to technology, there would be more robots in our world, taking care of all manual labour and the work that does not require intellect. People that do not progress will be severely left behind and will not be able to manage in the new society. I have the opportunity to develop society through various innovations that could, in the future, employ humans in addition to robots. "; job market; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1 Automation; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The biggest fear is that with the advancement of technology and electronics, we might lose our humanity and science might not follow an ethical code anymore. "; 2A negative;" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 2B radical-leaning;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks; etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The biggest problem for my community would probably be that decision-making in a democratic country is slow. In order to prevent climate change and reduce emissions, decisions should be made and implemented as quickly as in China. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The boat would move without any effort, using solar and wind power ";;;;;;;; security; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The cities will be full of solar panels and innovative, environmentally friendly innovations. One such innovation could be electric cars. I am sure that will be a part of our future. "; 1 Energy production; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Transport; travel; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The city is full of technology, but there are also parks and green areas in the city, so that the city does not look like a complete concrete jungle. ";;;;;;;; power; democracy; etc; ; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;; " The depletion of resources is perhaps a bigger threat: there is only a finite amount of raw materials on Earth, and although recycling methods will become more comprehensive, easier to use and much more efficient than today, they may not be enough. "; 2A neutral;; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1 Production of goods; recycling";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The development of electric cars is certainly also a relevant topic, as the number of cars will probably not decrease, which means that we must find other ways to reduce traffic emissions. There will certainly be a lot of discussion about aeroplanes and travel, as aeroplanes create a lot of pollution, but not that many people are willing to give up give up travelling (and I don't know if I could, either) "; travel; 1E Environment; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The development of renewable energy sources has been rapid, but Finland still mostly uses nuclear energy. "; 2A positive; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The development of technology has reduced direct social interaction, as the time people spend together is often spent with technology, in one way or another. Still, I try to maintain my old habits and talk face to face with my friends, not only through technology. Doing things together without electronic devices, like going for a nice walk on a summer day, is also important to me. "; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Interaction; social life; 2A negative;; 2C nonprob-leaning;" 1E Need to ""unplug""; tech-free spaces";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The efficiency of automated production is high in relation to the size of the population it serves, so my working year has become shorter, at least for the time being. "; 1E Work; job market; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 1E Own career; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The everyday things that surround me make my life easier and do not use as physical touch controls as they used to. "; 1 New interfaces; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The fear of jobs being lost as the result of technological advancement is currently a hot topic, and it is unlikely to disappear in the future. In the future, many existing jobs will be replaced in one way or another, but at the same time, new jobs will also be created as society develops. However, many of these jobs will require a whole new set of skills that not many of those who have lost their jobs might have. "; 1E Work; job market; 1 Technology in general; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2A negative;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The houses get the power and heat they need from highly efficient solar panels. In addition, there are a few windmills on the roof. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The internet and its contents are more easily accessible to people, and the internet has become a larger part of people's lives than it is today. There are people representing both extremes, but almost everyone now thinks that without constant interaction with the information network, it is not possible to survive in today's society. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2A neutral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The journey only takes about five minutes, even though our office is on the other side of Helsinki. For this, I can thank my robot driver who elegantly manoeuvres among other robots at 400 km/h. Since people are no longer driving the cars and making mistakes, cars can move much faster than in the past. Arriving at the office, the car leaves me at the main door and leaves silently to collect its next passenger. "; 1 Transport; travel;; 1E Time-saving; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The last gas stations were closed a few years ago, and garages are as full of sockets and charging stations as server rooms. Practically everything uses electricity. "; travel;; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;; " The negative consequence of this is that people have little physical contact with each other. This causes a feeling of loneliness and, consequently, even depression as a result of the absence of contact and the hormones it releases. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A negative; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Passivity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The people I pass while jogging pop up on my smart watch display one after another. Once I am done, I decide to check if a red-haired woman I passed was my children’s kindergarten teacher. A red-haired woman with the name Elisa Saari appears on the screen. The smart watch tells me “you passed Elisa Saari while jogging today at 12:30 pm at Hakaniemenranta. Would you like to know more about Elisa Saari or contact her?” I request more information, and the smart watch continues: “Elisa Saari is 45 years old and lives in Helsinki, Finland. She is in a relationship with Raimo Heikkinen. She works as a day care nurse in Helsinki.” Yes, the woman I passed was my children’s kindergarten teacher. "; 1 Internet; digitisation; IoT; 1E Availability of information; 1E Interaction; social life;; 2A positive;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 1E Work; job market; 1E Mobility; location-independence; 2D 1 General agency;;;; " The perfect technological environment, and the place where I would like to live, would be one where everyone could afford the technology they want, and the technology would be easy to use and safe for everyone. This would allow us to diversify people's ideas about the world and life. This would make life easier for me, and probably others as well – for example, if everyone had a basic technological device such as a phone that can be used to search for information. It would reduce our prejudices about other people. But the good availability of new devices and systems can lead to their abuse, which is difficult to prevent. Extreme thinking could also gain strength, which is a bad thing. However, I do think that there is more good than bad in my technological environment. "; 1E Interaction; social life; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The problem is that a lot of jobs in primary production have disappeared. In the service sector, as well, a lot of people have been replaced by machines. There are many unemployed people who used to work in these types of professions and do not have the education required for the new professions that have become available. "; job market; 1 Automation; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2A negative;; etc; 1E Happiness; quality of life;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The problems people might face could include too much screen time and not enough exercise. "; phones etc; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health; 2A negative;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The role of technology in my life will have grown, and the spaciousness of my home would mostly be thanks to the vast advances in technology. ";; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 1E One's surroundings; 1E Convenience & everyday life;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The technology is similar to today's technology, but more advanced. It is still a part of people's lives, but it does not control them ";" 1E ""Overtechnologisation"""; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The world and technology are evolving constantly, and I am sure that by 2040 we will have reached a whole new dimension. In the future, one of the greatest opportunities, and perhaps also the dangers, will be man-made artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence may get really close to human intelligence, which creates many opportunities and challenges for our society. "; 2B radical-leaning; 2A neutral;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Progress; hope; universal good;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The world has become safer as information security has improved and knowledge has increased. People are more fully aware of their own role in creating a safe world for everyone. A lot of new jobs have opened up, for example, in internet security monitoring and security system development research, because nearly all services and information are stored in the cloud. "; digitisation; IoT; 1E Work; job market;; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Then, for some reason, I begin to think about the days when technology was not at such an advanced level. I used to think that life was simple. As human-like robots take over jobs, the value of human beings has recently fallen dramatically. [[These days, my commute only takes a few minutes]], and the only reason I have not been fired is that the company I work for does not own human-like robots. "; job market; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A negative; 1 Automation;; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 0 No agency; IoT; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2A neutral; ;; 1E Embeddedness & cultural transitions;;;;; " There are no drivers in these public transport vehicles. Initially, there were safety concerns, but no accidents have occurred throughout the existence of the huge railway line. The trains are also equipped with such advanced technology that they are more “alert” and responsive than if they were driven by humans. "; safety; security; 1 Transport; travel;; 2A positive; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; ; 1E Politics; power; democracy; etc; 2D 0 No agency;;;;; " There have been a few times where someone has been successful in hacking the systems, but no major damage has been done. Improvements are made all the time. "; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A neutral; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " There is no traffic noise, as buses run on electricity and hardly anyone in the city owns a car anymore, especially a car that runs on gasoline "; travel; 1E One's surroundings; 2A positive; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " There were also some difficulties in terms of the sufficiency of our energy production in the 2020s, but these problems, among others, were solved by fusion power. "; 2B radical-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " There will be all kinds of entertainment electronics, and if you need something to do in your free time, there is less need to leave your home than before. "; entertainment tech;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E Passivity; technology addiction; mental health;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " There would be more forests and fewer cars around me. Public transportation would have become more efficient, and all coal power plants would have been replaced by wind and hydro power plants "; 1 Transport; travel; 1 Energy production; 1E Environment; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " There would be solar panel on nearly every roof, and the city would be full of greenery. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2A positive;;;;; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " These investments have helped me build my nest egg, as technology has developed so rapidly and humanity needs new entertainment and hope for the future. "; entertainment tech; 1 Technology in general; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning; 1E Interaction; social life; 2D 3 Own agency;;;;;;;;;;; " This is because life changes slowly, which gives us opportunities to develop societies, technologies and cultures towards a direction that works better for us and our environment. I assume, of course, that we will have been able to limit the effects of climate change, for example, to a medium level at the most, "; 1E Environment; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1E Progress; hope;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " This kind of a future will also bring problems. One of the problems will be that everyone will not be able to keep up with the new developments, and there will be certain differences between groups of humans. Some will be good at using electronics and some will not. As a result, certain people may be marginalized, I think. "; 1 Technology in general; 2A negative; 1E Equality; rights; divisions; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " This new picotechnology is so compact that it is possible to create implant chips capable of storing 1000 petabytes of data. My disability used to limit my physical activities to a degree, but nowadays, due to my new implant, I can do everything like a normal person. In the summer, it’s really noticeable. I am so much more active than before. I can move so freely now "; biotech; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " This would allow us to diversify people's ideas about the world and life. This would make life easier for me, and probably others as well – for example, if everyone had a basic technological device such as a phone that can be used to search for information. It would reduce our prejudices about other people. But the good availability of new devices and systems can lead to their abuse, which is difficult to prevent. Extreme thinking could also gain strength, which is a bad thing. However, I do think that there is more good than bad in my technological environment. ";;;;;;;; 2B radical-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Today, big cities have become like the sci-fi fantasies that people imagined decades ago. "; 1E One's surroundings;; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Today, it is almost impossible to establish social connections with others, as many people prefer to live in the virtual world in their own homes. I still have contacts with many people, but it is almost impossible to create social connections with today’s youth. This is one of the hottest topics right now. ";; 1E Interaction; social life; 1 VR; entertainment tech; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Today, there is an article about a major security breach in the Finnish state’s electronic archives. According to the news, the health records of about 10,000 people have been leaked online. This is definitely not first time this has happened. In recent years, the hacking devices controlled by international criminal organizations have become at least ten times as fast as state systems, which are still almost the same as they were in the 2020s. This is a big problem that generates a lot of discussion. "; digitisation; IoT; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2A negative; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; technology addiction; mental health;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " traffic has become quieter as electric cars have become more common "; travel; 1E One's surroundings; 2A positive;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Travelling has become quite easy. Both private cars and mass transit systems have lost their popularity years ago. I order an automated car in advance, using my wristband. Today, traffic mostly consists of self-driving taxi vehicles that intelligently combine the routes of their passengers. Effortless travel is the infrastructure for innovation. It has made entrepreneurship easier, and more and more people are making their living as entrepreneurs. When my ride arrives, I just step in and sit down. Travelling is free of charge, as the ability to move from one place to another is a fundamental right and a common need. The state uses tax revenue to cover the costs. The car is not locally supervised by staff, so it is a little worrying to just sit with the other passengers. However, as a passenger, I am not left to my own devices, as disturbances are automatically dealt with and the car will automatically call in a guard if the situation escalates. When the car reaches my destination, it leaves me directly in front of the restaurant. Traffic in the city centre is busy but almost completely silent. Traffic lights are no longer needed, as the automatic cars communicate with each other and also stop automatically if a pedestrian wants to cross the street at any point. "; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 1 Transport; travel; ; 1E Stability; safety; security;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Travelling in robotic vehicles can be risky, because when the vehicle is controlled by robots, there could suddenly be a problem, or the robot might not detect something surprising in the traffic. However, car technology is developing, and self-driving cars are becoming more common "; travel; 2A neutral;; 1E Stability; safety; security; 2C prob/scot-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Travelling in the summer has become cheaper, and the aeroplane market has developed. This means I have more opportunities to travel ";;;;;;;; safety; security; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;; " Travelling within the country is also cheap, thanks to the advanced and competitive railway services ";;;;;;;; 1E Skills; 1E Privacy; cybersecurity; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;; " unemployment. This is because machines have replaced people in most jobs ";;;;;;;;; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Universal basic income has reduced inequality and enabled a flexible labour market. Most people do not have permanent jobs themselves, and more companies are being started, because people can afford to work even without pay. Massive advances in artificial intelligence technology have played an especially significant role in these changes. "; rights; divisions; 1E Work; job market; 1 AI; 1E Economy (exc. job market); 2C nonprob-leaning; 2D 0 No agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " We have shifted to electric cars, so there is less noise pollution in cities. "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1E One's surroundings; 1 Transport; travel; 2A positive; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " We might also experience problems and consequences stemming from climate change. ";;;;;;;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 1 Technology in general;; ; 2B incremental-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;; " We own an electric car, "; travel; 2A neutral; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " We were able to greatly reduce our fuel consumption by significantly increasing our fuel efficiency. For some devices, it can be close to 99%. This also allowed us to slow down global warming to a great extent "; 1 Energy production; 2A positive; 2B radical-leaning;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " We would have given up fossil fuels and switched to renewable, efficient power sources, which would have slowed climate change down significantly "; 1 Energy production; 2A positive;; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " We would have new, improved technology and inventions "; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B incremental-leaning;; 2A positive;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " When I enter the restaurant, almost nothing about the food has changed. Delicious flavours are valued just like before, as is good company. As I eat, me and my friends talk about exactly the same topics as we did twenty years ago: other people, politics, technology. ";;;;;;;; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " When I go to the shop or restaurant, there are no employees. "; 2A neutral; 1E Work; job market; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2B radical-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " When I leave my home, I don't have to think about bringing my wallet or keys with me, because I don't need them. My apartment in a high-rise building has a smart lock that locks itself, so there are no keys. The smart lock recognizes me by my face. "; 1E Convenience & everyday life; 2C nonprob-leaning; 1 Smart home; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " While the worst of the predicted climate catastrophe is yet to come, these new automated fans that follow along with you are just not enough. "; 1 Wearables; 1E Physical wellbeing; longevity; 2C nonprob-leaning;; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " With advanced public transportation, I will be able to travel quickly to work, for example. "; travel; 1E Time-saving; 2B incremental-leaning; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A positive;;; 2D 2 Expert agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " With regard to the development of technology, my greatest concerns include ethical questions and whether we will manage to maintain our humanity. "; 1 Technology in general; 2B radical-leaning; 2C prob/scot-leaning; 2A negative;; 1E Catastrophes; major risks;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " Work is more commonly done at home than at the office, and employees will inevitably make use of technology during their workdays, as many of their assignments are related to maintaining and repairing information systems "; job market;; 2C nonprob-leaning; 2A neutral; 2B incremental-leaning; 1E Skills;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " You can talk face-to-face with people, even if they are thousands of miles away. My social life will remain good, because I can talk to friends and others from places where they aren’t. ";;;;;;;; ; 2B radical-leaning; 2D 1 General agency;;;;;;;;;;;;;