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Published October 11, 2022 | Version 2.0
Project deliverable Open

D1.2 Comprehensive analysis of data storage in the participating countries

  • 1. La Salle - Ramon Llull University


This deliverable summarizes the results obtained in Task 1.2 “EPC data storage” included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out a comparative study of the elements involved in the development of future scenarios to work with enhanced Energy Performance Certification, in each of the four identified stages of the EPC data flow: generation, storage, analysis, and exploitation. As a result of this study, possible improvements, vulnerabilities, threats, and risks related to the upgrade of already existing certification schemes are identified.

Within WP1, the purpose of Task 1.2 is to carry out an audit of the current state of data storage systems for each of the partners participating in the project that own EPC data representing six countries and regions of Europe: Austria (Land Salzburg), Croatia, Cyprus, Italy (Piemonte), Slovenia, and Spain (Catalonia). A methodology based on a survey has been developed to collect and
compare the current state of the EPC databases facilitated by each partner. The surveys have been carried out with a data collection form structured which enables the comparison between countries.

An audit based on a list of key metrics (which include openness, performance, origin, flexibility to changes, number of users, etc.) and characteristics (technologies, connectivity, etc.) has been completed to identify limitations and deficiencies of current EPC data storage systems. The calculation of the metrics for the six audited EPC databases highlighted important differences between them. The main ones refer to the interlinking of the EPC database with external sources like cadastre, and to the level of access to EPC data granted to citizen and third parties.

From the result of the audit, it can be concluded that there are still some EPC databases that do not provide citizens and third parties with access to their data. One of the main obstacles seems to be the conflicts with privacy and data protection laws. Furthermore, two EPC databases, namely those from Croatia and Cyprus, which could potentially run automated procedures to upload data to a database management system. Finally, only a few EPC databases include monitoring data on the household energy consumption required for the Building Rehabilitation Passport.

The outcomes of the study carried out in this task will contribute to delimiting the work to be carried out in WP2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”, whose objective is to propose new procedures to work with the improved Energy Performance Certification.



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TIMEPAC – Towards innovative methods for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings 101033819
European Commission