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Published February 21, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D10.1. Prospective assessment of the Repository sustainability

  • 1. Università di Pisa
  • 2. Medexprim
  • 3. Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe
  • 4. Quibim
  • 5. Universitat de València


The D10.1 is undertaken as part of WP10 “CHAIMELEON REPOSITORY SUSTAINABILITY AFTER PROJECT END”, framed under T10.1 “Actions to ensure CHAIMELEON repository sustainability”. This deliverable defines the overall strategy for the sustainability of the CHAIMELEON repository during and beyond the duration of the CHAIMELEON project. Moreover, this document will address the challenges that the consortium will have to overcome and the steps to follow for guaranteeing the sustainability of the CHAIMELEON repository beyond the end of the project.

The deliverable is divided in the following main sections that include: sustainability challenge, our vision beyond the project, CHAIMELEON governance, costs and the revenue of the CHAIMELEON repository.

The sustainability strategy will be reviewed and updated during the project in order to implement the best actions to guarantee the project’s sustainability after its end.


D10.1 Prospective assessment of the Repository sustainability.pdf

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