Published January 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Implementing post-normal science with or for EU policy actors: using quantitative story-telling


There is increasing recognition of the wicked nature of the intertwined climate, biodiversity and economic crises, and the need for adaptive, multi-scale approaches to understanding the complexity of both the problems and potential responses. Most science underpinning policy responses to sustainability issues, however, remains overtly apolitical and focussed on technical innovation; at odds with a critical body of literatures insisting on the recognition of systemic problem framing when supporting policy processes. This paper documents the experience of implementing a mixed method approach called quantitative story-telling (QST) to policy analysis that explicitly recognises this normative dimension, as the methodology is part of a post-normal science (PNS) toolkit. The authors reflect on what was learnt when considering how QST fared as a tool for science–policy interaction, working with European Union (EU) level policy actors interested in sustainable agriculture and sustainable development goal 2. These goals—also known as UN Agenda 2030—are the latest institutionalisation of the pursuit of sustainable development and the EU has positioned itself as taking a lead in its implementation. Thus, the paper illustrates our experience of using PNS as an approach to science policy interfaces in a strategic policy context; and illustrates how the challenges identified in the science–policy literature are amplified when working across multiple policy domains and taking a complex systems approach. Our discussion on lessons learnt may be of interest to researchers seeking to work with policy-makers on complex sustainability issues.


The Horizon 2020 MAGIC project (2016-2020) received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant agreement No. 689669. Authors KB, KAW, KBM, AJB, DGM, AH and DWJ acknowledge the underpinning funding from the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government. Author MG acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through the "María de Maeztu" program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000940-M). This work reflects the authors' view only; the funding agency(ies) is(are) not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.



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European Commission
MAGIC – Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Security 689669