Published January 23, 2023
| Version v1
Working paper
Point Clouds. Scatterplots and Tables as User Interfaces of Artificial 'Intelligence'
Scatterplots and tabular structures are the main graphical user interfaces for the diagrammatic depiction of large image data collections, which have been processed with visual recognition tools. This study discusses various media visualisations as case examples: ARTigo (LMU Munich), (UC Santa Barbara/Bildarchiv Foto Marburg), iArt (Universities of Munich and Hannover), Vikus Viewer (FH Potsdam), and X Degrees of Separation (Google). It further investigates how these projects employ visualisation algorithms like PCA, t-SNE and UMAP in relation to artificial weighted networks such as VGG19 or CLIP and provides practical proposals how to deal with the identified problems.
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