Published November 16, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Decision making procedures in data management and data stewardship for Open Science

  • 1. Research Data Alliance


About the Speaker:
Connie Clare, Community Development Manager, Research Data Alliance

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a global organisation with over 12,900 members from148 countries, and is built on principles that include openness, inclusivity and transparency. The RDA was launched as a community-driven initiative in 2013 by the European Commission, the United States Government's National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation with the goal of building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and re-use of data.

The RDA has a grass-roots, inclusive approach covering all data lifecycle stages, engaging data producers, users and stewards, addressing data exchange, processing, and storage. It has succeeded in creating the neutral social platform where international research data experts meet to exchange views and to agree on topics including social hurdles on data sharing, education and training challenges, data management plans and certification of data repositories, disciplinary and interdisciplinary interoperability, as well as technological aspects.

The RDA Foundation provides the core business operations of RDA and represents RDA globally.

About the presentation:
This presentation was delivered at the EOSC Symposium 2022 'International Workshop on Developing an Ethics Framework for Artificial Intelligence n Support of Collaboration and Resource Sharing for Open Science' organised by the EOSC-Future/RDA Artificial Intelligence & Data Visitation Working Group (AIDV-WG). The presentation provides an overview of the decisions that are made by researchers in order to create and share FAIR data, as well as some ethical challenges associated with data stewardship of AI.


221116_CEClare_Decision making procedures (1).pptx.pdf

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