Published November 10, 2022 | Version v1
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Cs Track database descriptors definition


  • 1. Universitat Pompeu Fabra


This file contains the list of descriptors defined for the CS Track database and their related analysis.We carried out a study to analyse how data about CS is shared and communicated online. Furthermore, explore how it could be extracted and stored in a central database. Finally, we studied how this data can be used in formal education contexts. We analysed both websites and CS projects information extracted from 72 websites selected. A scientific article was published in the number 74 of the Comunicar journal: Calvera-Isabal, M., Santos, P., Hoppe, H., & Schulten, C. (2023). How to automate the extraction and analysis of information for educational purposes. [Cómo automatizar la extracción y análisis de información sobre ciencia ciudadana con propósitos educativos]. Comunicar, 74.


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CS-Track – Expanding our knowledge on Citizen Science through analytics and analysis 872522
European Commission