Published August 10, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

5GCroCo Barcelona Trial Site Results: Orchestration KPIs Measurements and Evaluation

  • 1. Nextworks
  • 2. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
  • 3. i2CAT


The 5GCroCo project has been working on aspects around vehicular communications taking into consideration different perspectives such as i) infrastructures with multiple administrative domains where to achieve the most efficient service deployment, and ii) the automotive services themselves for providing advanced functionalities to vehicular users. This article aims to present the results collected on top of the 5GCroCo Barcelona small-scale trial infrastructure during the experimental phases. In particular, the goal of the conducted experiments was to evaluate how the proposed orchestration solution works on top of a multi-domain infrastructure. Composite network slices, i.e., composed of multiple slice subnets and related network services (NSs) have been orchestrated and managed across the Barcelona multi-domain infrastructure and the different deployment iterations have been monitored to validate whether the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) selected were accomplished. The results show that the overhead introduced by the multi-domain orchestrator is not significant with respect to the single-domain service deployment time, which always falls in the range between 3 and 5 minutes.



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European Commission
5GCroCo – Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control 825050