Published August 10, 2022 | Version 2022.02
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SPAAM Summer School 2022: Introduction to Ancient Metagenomics Teaching Slides

  • 1. Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie Hans-Knöll-Institut / Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
  • 2. Harvard University / Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology / Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • 3. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
  • 4. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology / Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
  • 5. Harvard University / Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
  • 6. University of Melbourne


Teaching slides of the practicals and lectures of the 2022 SPAAM Summer School: Introduction to Ancient Metagenomics (Aug. 1-5 2022).


  • Lecture Introduction to NGS data: James Fellows Yates
    • What is NGS sequencing and what does its data look like?
  • Practical BareBonesBash 1: Aida Andrades Valtueña and Thiseas Lamnidis
    • Introduction to the UNIX command line.
  • Practical BareBonesBash 2: Aida Andrades Valtueña and Thiseas Lamnidis
    • How to navigate and batch-manipulate files.
  • Round table Introductions
    • Welcome - let's get to know eachother


  • Lecture Introduction to ancient DNA: Christina Warinner
    • How to identify and handle DNA from ancient contexts
  • Practical Bytesize git: James Fellows Yates and Megan Michel
    • What is git and github? How to clone a repository? What does commit/pull/push mean?
  • Practical ancientMetagenomeDir: James Fellows Yates and Megan Michel
    • Where to get ancient metagenomic comparative data, and why is metadata important?
    • Git practice
  • Practical nf-core/eager: James Fellows Yates and Megan Michel
    • How do I quality control NGS aDNA data? How do I remove adapters and contamination? How to perform taxonomic profiling?
  • Round table Project organisation
    • How to structure my project analysis folders? How to reproducibly document my work?


  • Lecture Introduction to Metagenomics: Christina Warinner
    • What are the questions tackled in metagenomics? What are the challenges?
  • Practical Introduction to R and the tidyverse / Introduction to Python and Pandas: Clemens Schmid and Nikolay Oskolkov / Maxime Borry and Alex Hübner
    • How to read/write files and run statistical analyses? How to make figures with ggplot2/plotnine
    • (Note: Parallel sessions partcipants can choose which to attend based on their prior experience)
  • Practical Taxonomic Profiling, OTU Tables and Visualisation: Maxime Borry and Irina Velsko
    • Python practice. How to normalise OTU tables and perform microbial ecology analyses.
  • Round table Taxonomic Classifiers
    • How do I pick a taxonomic classifier? What is best for aDNA?


  • Lecture Introduction to microbial genomics: Alexander Herbig
    • How can we learn from studying the genomes of microbes? What questions can we ask?
  • Practical Genome mapping: Alexander Herbig and Alina Hiss
    • Why and how do we map against a reference? What parameters are important for aDNA?
  • Practical Genome assembly: Alexander Hübner and Nikolay Oskolkov
    • De novo methods for obtaining metagenomically assembled genomes (MAGs). What are the best pipelines and parameters for ancient DNA?
  • Roundtable Databases
    • Why are databases so important? What impact does database selection have on my results? What pitfalls should I watch out for?


  • Lecture Evolutionary Biology: Sebastian Duchene
    • How have microbes and microbial communities evolved and changed through time? How does this inform our current understanding of the relationships among microbes?
  • Practical Phylogenomics: Aida Andrades Valtueña and Arthur Kocher
    • How to perform phylogenetic analysis. What to consider when dealing with low coverage data
  • Practical Functional Genomics: Irina Velsko and James Fellows Yates
    • How can we infer genomic function from sequences? What sort of analysis can we do?
  • Round table Workshop recap



SPAAM Summer School 2022 - 0A - Welcome and Organisational.pdf

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