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Published February 27, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Hindi and Marathi senior writer, researcher, editor, translator, administrator, guide in the field of literature and social Dr.  Sunilkumar Lovette is well known.  His book 'Vachan' is an important book that lays down reading habits.  This is an important book that explains the origin and process of reading and also makes a theoretical arrangement of reading, explains the importance of reading in human life, and also makes a theoretical arrangement related to reading.  Consisting of five chapters and appendices, this book covers not only information about reading but also comprehensive information from the history of human expression to book production and library.  Man has become more advanced than animals because of language.  It took him a long time to develop this language.  From the spirit of expressing one's heart, from the primitive man till today, the floor has been reached in this book.


25.डॉ. लता पांडुरंग मोरे -Jan-Feb 2021-M-25.pdf