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Published July 11, 2022 | Version v1
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Professional burnout of doctors in Poland and in the world. Research review


Kruk Edyta, Zwolak Agnieszka, Brodowicz-Król Magdalena. Professional burnout of doctors in Poland and in the world. Research review. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2022;12(7):429-433. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI






The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. 32343.

Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences).


Punkty Ministerialne z 2019 - aktualny rok 40 punktów. Załącznik do komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 21 grudnia 2021 r. Lp. 32343. Posiada Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma: 201159.

Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe: Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu).


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Received: 22.06.2022. Revised: 22.06.2022. Accepted: 11.07.2022.








Professional burnout of doctors in Poland and in the world.

Research review


Edyta Kruk, Agnieszka Zwolak, Magdalena Brodowicz-Król


Edyta Kruk

Zakład Interny i Pielęgniarstwa Internistycznego

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie

20-093 Lublin


Agnieszka Zwolak

Zakład Interny i Pielęgniarstwa Internistycznego

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie

20-093 Lublin


Magdalena Brodowicz-Król

Zakład Pediatrii i Pielęgniarstwa Pediatrycznego

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie

20-093 Lublin


Summary: The work of a doctor is one of the most demanding. It requires not only a great deal of knowledge, but also a lot of commitment, responsibility and often devoting one's private life. It is called a prestigious job for a reason. Unfortunately, it is also very absorbing both mentally and physically. Increasing stress leads to emotional exhaustion, and its consequence may be burnout.


Keywords: burnout, doctors, stress, surgicaldoctors, non-surgical doctors



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