Published July 3, 2022 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Traffic-Net: 3D Traffic Monitoring Using a Single Camera

  • 1. University of Leeds
  • 2. Qazvin University
  • 3. Tehran Azad University, Science & Research Branch


Computer Vision has played a major role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and traffic surveillance. Along with the rapidly growing automated vehicles and crowded cities, the automated and advanced traffic management systems (ATMS) using video surveillance infrastructures have been evolved by the implementation of Deep Neural Networks. In this research, we provide a practical platform for real-time traffic monitoring, including 3D vehicle/pedestrian detection, speed detection, trajectory estimation, congestion detection, as well as monitoring of the interaction of vehicles and pedestrians, all using a single CCTV traffic camera. We adapt a custom YOLOv5 deep neural network model for vehicle/pedestrian detection and an enhanced SORT tracking algorithm. For the first time, a hybrid satellite-ground based inverse perspective mapping (SG-IPM) method for camera auto-calibration is also developed which leads to an accurate 3D object detection and visualisation. We also develop a hierarchical traffic modelling solution based on short- and long-term temporal video data streams to understand the traffic flow, bottlenecks, and risky spots for vulnerable road users. Several experiments on real-world scenarios and comparisons with state-of-the-art are conducted using various traffic monitoring datasets, including MIO-TCD, UA-DETRAC and GRAM-RTM collected from highways, intersections, and urban areas under different lighting and weather conditions.Computer Vision has played a major role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and traffic surveillance. Along with the rapidly growing automated vehicles and crowded cities, the automated and advanced traffic management systems (ATMS) using video surveillance infrastructures have been evolved by the implementation of Deep Neural Networks. In this research, we provide a practical platform for real-time traffic monitoring, including 3D vehicle/pedestrian detection, speed detection, trajectory estimation, congestion detection, as well as monitoring the interaction of vehicles and pedestrians, all using a single CCTV traffic camera. We adapt a custom YOLOv5 deep neural network model for vehicle/pedestrian detection and an enhanced SORT tracking algorithm. For the first time, a hybrid satellite-ground based inverse perspective mapping (SG-IPM) method for camera auto-calibration is also developed which leads to an accurate 3D object detection and visualisation. We also develop a hierarchical traffic modelling solution based on short- and long-term temporal video data streams to understand the traffic flow, bottlenecks, and risky spots for vulnerable road users. Several experiments on real-world scenarios and comparisons with state-of-the-art are conducted using various traffic monitoring datasets, including MIO-TCD, UA-DETRAC and GRAM-RTM collected from highways, intersections, and urban areas under different lighting and weather conditions.





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