Published June 30, 2022 | Version 1.1
Project deliverable Open

CSI-COP Citizen Science Community

  • 1. Coventry University
  • 2. University of Patras


Limiting the use of big tech's social media platforms, to protect the general public's data online, and through challenging times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic affecting people across the globe from 2020, this CSI-COP deliverable D3.1 presents the project's citizen science engagement activities. At the time of this report, 52 people across Europe and in Israel had joined CSI-COP as citizen scientists co-investigating the extent of online tracking, and assisting in monitoring the compliance of the GDPR in websites and in apps.


This is the first of two deliverables realised from the actions in CSI-COP work package 3: recruitment and informal education of the general public.


CSI-COP Deliverable public report_D3.1-v1-1_300622.pdf

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CSI-COP – Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance 873169
European Commission