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Published October 30, 2009 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D6.5: Report on Porting and Optimisation of applications


This document reports the optimisation and porting of applications in the PRACE application benchmark suite (PABS) to the PRACE-WP7 prototype machines. Porting encompasses not only compiling functioning programs on target platforms, but also methods aimed at extracting maximum performance through informed choice of compilers, external libraries and platform parameters. Optimisation techniques are techniques for improving the performance of applications on a node-level. This includes techniques aimed at optimising usage of memory-hierarchy, computational parts of processors and algorithmic issues.
In this deliverable, we present porting and optimisation reports for each application. We also discuss the best practices extracted from the application reports, from knowledge gathered at the prototype sites and an analysis of synthetic kernels.



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PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe 211528
European Commission