Published August 25, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Policy program evaluation and recommendation

  • 1. TEP Energy


This report aims at providing an overview on current policy programs on European as well as country
level, focusing on energy efficiency (EE) policies for the building sector. In the focus are policies which
are addressing barriers, hindering more investments in EE in the built environment e.g., by addressing
and increasing the refurbishment rate and the refurbishment depth, amongst others. These two
parameters are known to be the most relevant factors limiting the achievement of needed energy
demand reductions to support the decarbonization of the European building stock.


846463_sEEnergies D1.4_Policy_program_evaluation_and_recommendation.pdf

Additional details


sEEnergies – Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable energy systems 846463
European Commission