Published March 22, 2022 | Version v1.0.0
Project deliverable Restricted

D5.1: Plan for Exploitation of DWC Results - Final Version (M30)


D5.1 describes the strategy and planned actions of DWC for exploitation. Outcomes will be used in T6.3 (Support market uptake) and close coordination will be ensured with T7.3 (Innovation management and IPR Management). This document provides a mapping of the 17 digital solutions tested among five major European cities. In the core section, an initial assessment for market exploitation is given for the DSs, by providing initial results on market assessment, competitive analysis, and business models. In the last section, a study of transferability and replicability is given with key insights on enablers and barriers.

The plan for exploitation of DWC (D5.1) is based on the annotated table of contents delivered as milestone (MS20) in M6 and has been updated in M18 and M30.


Version (v1.0.0) submitted to EC



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DWC – - Leading urban water management to its digital future 820954
European Commission